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Save matplotlib chart from Dash/Flask


I've a Dash app running which calls functions which create and save charts.
The app runs into timeouts which are caused from the drawing of the charts. Matplotlib prints the warning:
Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail.

From my unterstanding the Dash app is hosted by Flask which runs different threads. This seems to be a problem for matploblib since it's not thread save. I run the app with the threaded=False parameter but the problem still exists. When debugging the app it seems like Flask is still running multiple threads.

The proposed solution from the matplotlib base app

↓ click button, then..

after clicking button example downloaded plot

Generating & Downloading High-Throughput Quantities of Subplots in Dash (without any use of mpl.pyplot)

In this extended example of the previous code, I added a numeric input component (dcc.Input w/ type='number', max=1200, step=1; you can of course also just type any number 1 <= n <= 1200), so when you click the download button, the file you get is a pdf with potentially hundreds, or thousands, of plots having been generated.

import os
import random
from time import time_ns

import dash
import matplotlib
import matplotlib as mpl


import numpy as np

from dash import dcc
from dash import html
from dash.dependencies import Input
from dash.dependencies import Output
from dash.dependencies import State
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

import seaborn as sns

)  # this erases labels for any blank plots on the last page

ctheme = [
    "k", "gray", "magenta", "fuchsia", "#be03fd", "#1e488f",
    (0.443_137_254_901_960_76, 0.443_137_254_901_960_76,
    0.886_274_509_803_921_53, ), "#75bbfd", "teal", "lime", "g", 
    (0.666_667_4, 0.666_666_3, 0.290_780_141_843_971_38), "y", 
    "#f1da7a", "tan", "orange", "maroon", "r"
] # colors to blend to any scalar-spread palette form

def new_page(m, n):

    fig = Figure()
    axarr = fig.subplots(m, n, sharex="all", sharey="all") 
    arr_ij = [(x, y) for x, y in np.ndindex(m, n)]
    subplots = [axarr[index] for index in arr_ij]

    return (fig, subplots)

def generate_figures(n_plots, m=6, n=5):

    fig_path = f"rand-poiss-hist_N={n_plots}_{time_ns()}.pdf"

    colors = sns.blend_palette(ctheme, n_plots)

    x = 0

    with PdfPages(fig_path) as pdf:

        for _ in range((n_plots // (m * n))   1):

            fig, subplots = new_page(m, n)
            fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5)

            for i in range(m * n):  # Random dist plots
                ax = subplots[i]
                x  = 1
                if x <= n_plots:

                    scaled_y = np.random.randint(20, 30)
                    random_data = np.random.poisson(scaled_y, 100)
                        fc=(0, 0, 0, 0),

                    # Axes label properties
                    ax.set_title(f"fig.{x}", size=6)
                    if ax.is_last_row() or ((n_plots - x) <= n):
                        ax.set_xlabel("X Label", size=4)
                    if ax.is_first_col():
                        ax.set_ylabel("Y Label", size=4)
                    # ax.set_xmargin(2)
                    # ax.set_ymargin(2)

            # NOTE:
            # Save figure ~
            # * BUT DO NOT USE PYLAB *
            #   Write figure to output file (png|pdf).

    return fig_path

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

app.layout = html.Div(
            "Generate plots",
                "width": "30%",
                "fontSize": "1.1rem",
        html.Code("Enter number of plots to generate:"),
        dcc.Input(id="range", type="number", min=1, max=1200, step=1),
    style={"margin": "10% 40% 10% 40%"}

    Output("download-image", "data"),
    Input("generate-plot", "n_clicks"),
    State("range", "value"),
def generate_downloadable_figure(n_clicks, n_plots):
    if n_clicks > 0:
        fig_path = generate_figures(n_plots)
        return dcc.send_file(fig_path)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run_server(debug=True, dev_tools_hot_reload=True, host="")

multi-plot app layout

→ Clicking button downloads multiple (as applicable) page PDF of subplots

N=60 plots

N=60 plots

N=231 plots

(Took about ten-twenty seconds..)

N=231 plots

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