So I am having here one big JSON file which looks like this:
data = {
"Module1": {
"Description": "",
"Layer": "1",
"SourceDir": "pathModule1",
"Attributes": {
"Vendor": "comp",
"Component1": {
"path": "something",
"includes": [
"generated:" "txt"
"memory:" "txt"
"path": "something",
"includes": [
"generated:" "txt"
"memory:" "txt"
"Module2": {
"Description": "",
"Layer": "2",
"SourceDir": "pathModule2",
"Attributes": {
"Vendor": "comp",
"Component1": {
"path": "something",
"includes": [
"generated:" "txt"
"memory:" "txt"
"path": "something",
"includes": [
"generated:" "txt"
"memory:" "txt"
"Module3": {
"Description": "",
"Layer": "3",
"SourceDir": "path",
"Attributes": {
"Vendor": "",
"Module4": {
"Description": "",
"Layer": "4",
"SourceDir": "path",
"Attributes": {
I have to go through and take some stuff out of it, so at the end I get this:
Whenever Vendor field is equal to "comp", take that module into consideration, take it's SourceDir filed, all components, their path and includes.
So output would be:
Module1, "pathModule1", components: [Component1, path, [includes: include1, include2 ,include3 ,include4 ,include5 ]], [Component2, path, includes: [include1, include2 ,include3 ,include4 ,include5 ]]
Module2, "pathModule2", components: [Component1, path, [includes: include1, include2 ,include3 ,include4 ,include5 ]], [Component2, path, includes: [include1, include2 ,include3 ,include4 ,include5 ]]
I am really struggling with accessing all the fields that I need.
My current code is this:
with open ("DB.json", 'r') as f:
modules= json.load(f)
for k in modules.keys():
if swc_list[k]["Vendor"] == "comp":
for i in swc_list[k]['sw_objects']:
except KeyError:
I am managing to get only Module1 and sourceDir, but not Component1, 2 and its attributes.. How can I achieve this?
CodePudding user response:
I would start by filtering out the items you're not interested in, by doing something like:
data = {k: v for k,v in data.items() if v.get("Vendor") == "comp"}
This drops all the modules you don't want. It's a bit inefficient, because you're parsing over the dictionary a second time to get data in a format you want, but it's easier to reason about as a first step, which is helpful!
At this point you could iterate over the dictionary again if needed - you would have something like:
{'Module1': {'Attributes': {'some'},
'Description': '',
'Layer': '1',
'SourceDir': 'pathModule1',
'Vendor': 'comp',
'components': {'Component1': {'includes': ['include1',
'path': 'something'},
'Component2': {'includes': ['include1',
'path': 'something'}}},
'Module2': {'Attributes': {'some'},
'Description': '',
'Layer': '2',
'SourceDir': 'pathModule2',
'Vendor': 'comp',
'components': {'Component1': {'includes': ['include1',
'path': 'something'},
'Component2': {'includes': ['include1',
'path': 'something'}}}}
To get a print out of the source directories and the components only, you could do:
for k,v in data2.items():
print(k, v["SourceDir"], v["components"])
which would give you:
Module1 pathModule1 {'Component1': {'path': 'something', 'includes': ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5']}, 'Component2': {'path': 'something', 'includes': ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5']}}
Module2 pathModule2 {'Component1': {'path': 'something', 'includes': ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5']}, 'Component2': {'path': 'something', 'includes': ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5']}}
Edit: To refine the output further, you can change the above loop to be:
for k,v in data2.items():
components = [(comp_name, comp_data["path"], comp_data["includes"]) for comp_name, comp_data in v["components"].items()]
print(k, v["SourceDir"], components)
which will give you:
Module1 pathModule1 [('Component1', 'something', ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5']), ('Component2', 'something', ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5'])]
Module2 pathModule2 [('Component1', 'something', ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5']), ('Component2', 'something', ['include1', 'include2', 'include3', 'include4', 'include5'])]