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SuperMap GIS application development technology to share


In making a map will have many places need to be aware of, just make map of an area, for example, and get the map data is very big, so this needs us map, when cutting the map need to ensure the integrity of the data, and its properties are not lost, if lost, it is certainly will go wrong in the project, it needs us very much attention, have special symbol is also needed to make a map to our own production, finally completed a map will also need to release, the first look at the map, as shown in the figure below step:
Is first select the part we need to cut, if wants to select more than one place, as long as you hold down the Shift a another choice,

Were chosen as long as you click the right mouse button, click on the selected object is cut, and then pop-up box directly determined, thus cutting finished, and then to check the properties, no loss is cutting a success, as shown in the figure below:

Can see properties not lost, that a simple map is completed,

Finished watching the map, and then see a sign, how to make oneself need here we make a railway line symbols,
First find our lines open symbol library,

Find editor opens, select new two-dimensional linear symbols, as shown in the figure below:

And then click add two dash, then delete the following a a, as shown in the figure below:

Then is set properties, set the attribute of a above, check the fixed color, choose white, and adjust the line width to the right size, a railway line came out, as shown in the figure below:

Make special symbol is said to this, there will be other special symbol can make your own, made according to the requirements of each person is different,
When you finish making a map must be, to be published here are about the rapid release of map with iServer service,
Release need to run our first startup. The bat file, then open the iServer service web site, http://localhost:8090/iserver/, and then click the service management, then click on the service, you can see the rapid release of service, click later there will be one step one step operation, first to choose is we need to release the types of work space is a file or database, choose good later, again to complete the corresponding information, click on next, can appear check service type, here need to select the map service, data service, WMS1.1.1 services, WMS1.3.0 service, choose ok just click next, behind is just click next, until completion, map publishing success, can be in the service management view the map has just been released, as shown in the figure below:

If you need to delete can be found in the work space corresponding to the name of the delete, if only in service management to delete, it just delete the map services and other related service or not deleted, so be sure to delete it in the work space,

Another problem is if you release a file type work space, so can only be opened in a platform at the same time,
If you are in the SuperMap iDesktop 10 I software is opened, it can not be opened in a web page to see, and it will load in that circle, only you shut down another open workspace, to open in the service management,
But if do not have a thing is the job of the database type space, it can be open on multiple platforms at the same time, there will be affected, so, we are making a map, it is best to create the database work space, so that in the back also can bring a lot of convenient, bring many inconvenience, whereas
Supermap production technology to share maps can be said that, you can reference and learning,

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