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Small transformer dalai knowledge!


Hi, I'm a little control in the butler, a small industrial knowledge every day, as we talked about the principle of mass flowmeter, today we are going to make a brief introduction of transformer, in the operation of the power distribution and transformer is indispensable, to master the basic knowledge of transformer is also very necessary, kangkang together,

1, what is the transformer?
In ac circuits, the rise and fall equipment is called transformer, voltage transformer can convert any value of voltage into the same frequency voltage value, we need to meet the electricity transmission, distribution and use requirements,
Power plants of electric, for example, the voltage level is low, must take the voltage can be transported to distant power area, power area and must pass the buck to apply voltage grade, supply power equipment, and daily use, electrical equipment

2, the transform of the voltage transformer is?
Transformer is made based on electromagnetic induction, it consists of a silicon steel sheet (or silicon steel sheet) lay in the core and winding in the two groups on the iron core coils, between the core and coil insulation, each other without any electrical connection,
Called by the coil in the side of the transformer and the power to connect the primary coil (or called the original edge), the transformer coil and electrical equipment connection is called secondary coil (or edge), when the transformer primary coil from the ac power, iron core can produce changes in the magnetic field lines,
Due to the secondary coil winding on the same core, magnetic line secondary coil, secondary coil on inevitably produce inductive electromotive force, to appear on both ends of the coil voltage, due to the magnetic field lines is alternating, so the secondary coil is alternating voltage, and the same frequency and power frequency,
Confirmed by theory, transformer primary coil and secondary coil voltage ratio and the primary coil and secondary coil number of turns ratio, can be used under type said: the primary/secondary coil voltage coil voltage=the primary coil number of turns and/or secondary coil circle number shows that the more number of turns, the higher the voltage, so you can see, less than the primary coil, secondary coil is a step-down transformer, on the contrary, for the step-up transformer,

3, what type transformer design?
According to the number of phase points with single-phase and three-phase transformer
According to utility cent power transformer, special power transformer, the regulating transformer, instrument transformer, voltage transformer, current transformer, small power transformers (used in small power equipment), security transformer.
According to the structure points are core type and shell type two kinds, more than double winding and winding coil, autotransformer,
According to cooling points have oil-immersed and air cooled,

4, transformer parts which parts are made of?
Mainly by iron core transformer parts, coil, in addition to the fuel tank, oil pillow, insulation casing and begin tapping,

5, what good is a transformer oil?
(1), insulation effect
(2), the cooling effect
(3), to eliminate arcing

6, what is the autotransformer?
Autotransformer is only a group of coil, secondary coil come from primary tap, its electricity transmission, in addition, the electromagnetic induction transfer and transmission of electricity, this transformer silicon steel sheet and copper wire amount is less than the general transformer, commonly used to adjust the voltage,

7, how is the voltage regulator surge?
The structure of the voltage regulator and autotransformer is the same, just the iron core is made circular coil is wound on the annular core,
Secondary coil tap with a brush sliding contact, the contact circle along the circular slip surface, the smooth regulating voltage effect,

8, the transformer primary coil and secondary coil current relationship?
When the operation of the transformer with load, the change of the secondary coil current, will cause the primary coil current corresponding change, is deduced according to the principle of magnetic potential balance, current of the primary and secondary coil and coil is inversely proportional to the number of turns, number of turns more side current is small, less number of turns on the side of the current is big,
Under the available type said: the primary coil current/secondary coil current=secondary coil number of turns/primary coil number of turns,

9, what is the voltage change rate of transformer?
Voltage regulator voltage change rate is one of the main performance index of the transformer, when the transformer to the load power supply, on the load side voltage of the transformer is bound to decline, will decline compared to the voltage and the rated voltage value, take a percentage of the voltage gradient,
Available formula; Voltage change rate=[(secondary rated voltage of the voltage and load)/secondary rated voltage] x 100%, power transformer, usually connected to the rated load, the voltage change rate of 4 ~ 6%,

10, how to ensure that the output voltage of the transformer has a rated?
Voltage is too high or too low will affect the normal work and service life of the transformer, so must be regulating,
Regulating method is in primary coil leads to several tap, pick up at the beginning of tap, tap start by moving contact to change the coil number of turns, as long as the position of the rotating tap-changer, can get to the rated voltage value, note that the voltage regulator is usually should be cut off the transformer load after receive,

11, usually with a small transformer? Application in what occasion?
Small transformer refers to the capacity under 1 kva single-phase transformer, mostly used for electrical equipment control with power transformer, power transformer and safety of the electronic equipment of lighting power transformer,

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