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Scala plugin matching


I am java8 environment, scala 2.12.3
Here is my XML configuration, excuse me, why not, then how should think it should be the version of the corresponding, bother to reply, thank you

 & lt; ? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
XMLNS: xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
Xsi: schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd" & gt;
4.0.0 & lt;/modelVersion>

Cn. Itcast. Akka
My - rpc
2.0 & lt;/version>

1.8 & lt;/maven.com piler. Source>
1.8 & lt;/maven.com piler. Target>
Utf-8 & lt;/encoding>
2.12.3 & lt;/scala. Version>
2.12 & lt; Pat/scala.com. Version>

Org. Scala - lang
Scala - library
. ${scala version} & lt;/version>

Com. Typesafe. Akka
Akka - actor_2. 10 & lt;/artifactId>
2.3.15 & lt;/version>

Com. Typesafe. Akka
Akka - remote_2. 11 & lt;/artifactId>
2.5.0 & lt;/version>

The SRC/main/scala

Net. Alchim31. Maven
Scala - maven - plugin
3.2.2 & lt;/version>


- the make: transitive
- dependencyfile
The ${project. Build. Directory}/. Scala_dependencies & lt;/arg>

Org, apache maven. Plugins
Maven - shade - plugin
3.1.0 & lt;/version>



* : * & lt;/artifact>

Meta-inf/*. SF
Meta-inf/*. DSA
Meta-inf/*. RSA

Reference. Conf

CodePudding user response:

Find the problem, the plug-in version mismatch, plug-in version should correspond and scala,
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