I have a table named Values with thousands of records (sample is a lot less). The data itself is unique except that some records share the same ID.
So I need a query to return random records depending on the total count of TestQ1. For example, the query has a total of 9 records for ID 120 so there should be 3 random records each time this query is run because that's what the Test table indicates (this table changes the "Test" numbers weekly).
The "Values" table is the raw data.
The "TestQ1" query has a total count for that specific "ID"
and to the right, is the number of records that should be returned.
This is as far as I've been able to get:
SELECT TOP 5 Values.ID, Values.Test, Values.State, Rnd([Values]![ID]) AS [Random No], * FROM [Values] ORDER BY Rnd([Values]![ID]);
CodePudding user response:
TOP N cannot be dynamic in a query object.
Can calculate a group sequence ID and use that in criteria to return a number of records for each ID group. That requires a unique identifier field which can be provided with an autonumber. Set it as random so the selection can be different as records are added to dataset.
Consider SQL:
SELECT Values.PKID, Values.ID, Values.Test, Values.State, DCount("*","Values","ID=" & [Values].[ID] & " AND PKID<" & [PKID]) 1 AS GrpSeq
FROM TestQ2 INNER JOIN [Values] ON TestQ2.ID = Values.ID
WHERE (((DCount("*","Values","ID=" & [Values].[ID] & " AND PKID<" & [PKID]) 1)<=[TestQ2].[Test]));
However, if you truly need to return randomized set of records with each query run, I expect VBA will be needed. Either to populate a field in Values table with a randomized sequence number for each ID group or to populate a temp table with randomized dataset. Consider VBA to populate field:
Sub RandomSeq()
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset, rs2 As DAO.Recordset, x As Integer
Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM [Values]")
Do While Not rs1.EOF
Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [Values] WHERE ID=" & rs1!ID & " ORDER BY Rnd([ID]);")
Do While Not rs2.EOF
x = x 1
rs2!GrpSeq = x
x = 0
End Sub
Now run query:
SELECT Values.ID, Values.Test, Values.State, Values.GrpSeq
FROM TestQ2 INNER JOIN [Values] ON TestQ2.ID = Values.ID
WHERE (((Values.GrpSeq)<=[TestQ2].[Test]));
Be aware this will not be practical in a split database with multiple simultaneous users. Then a temp table (located in frontend) approach may be needed.