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Japan IT sending status (Tokyo)


All descriptions are common, special case is not in the scope,

Observation is Tokyo IT sent, all contrast is the reference of guangzhou,

Japan's lack of labor, the electric car can see many old people,

Technical cattle people wanna go/technical route, IT is not recommended to send the IT industry in Japan,

If only job, can consider to send the IT industry in Japan,

If want to go to Japan IT dispatched industry is determined, can direct messages me, at least can help to avoid black societies,

Technology in Japan IT staffing company, please pay special attention to:

1 from the beginning of the contact, prepared to engage in a lawsuit (in order to protect themselves, although a lawsuit is difficult to have effect, but IT is the only means of self-preservation IT dispatched workers), reserving evidence (situations recording/keep mail/WeChat records, etc.)

2 in pre-service, and staffing company confirm good, how to define the cost of customer problems,

3 a staffing company commitment (including reads the contents of the contract), just promises, before the money did not arrive, everything is just promises,

4 IT dispatched industry in Japan, the function of law co., LTD. (refer to technical legal difficulties, but the law is the only means of self-preservation in Chinese technical person) "

Technology is a lawsuit difficulties:

Step1 encounter unfair treatment, angry, and then want to justice, was later found to engage in a lawsuit for money/time/energy consumption, many gave up,

Step2 consider continue to engage in a lawsuit, but technology wasn't ready to engage in a lawsuit in the induction, once appear, disputes in forensics especially hard to

(particularly the dark society, in this respect is experienced,

Black society didn't ability to attract staff leave, so choose another way: everywhere a pit, the pit staff cannot easily),

Step3 dispatched industry, in particular, to send in how to define the society bring loss to the customer, directly push the responsibility and risk to the technology,

Technology to normal departure, will also be black back pay society source (the last two month) + not give tickets (such as material, effect on induction buyers company) + claims (brought to field a variety of reasons such as the loss) + a variety of reasons (mind stick to beat his dog will easily find a stick),

Step4 won even a lawsuit, the judiciary executive as a result, is also difficult, it would be difficult to implement (visa time is short/foreign language culture impassability, etc.),

Holiday in Japan than in China, every month have basically a red day, a weekend holiday, didn't the Chinese IT industry to work overtime so fierce,

Universal model is: a Japanese person in charge of personnel, sending employees reporting to the Japanese people (among Japanese is not so good, there will be a Chinese leadership),

But the Japanese people don't necessarily understand technology (and perhaps even the school of arts living, without any discrimination of the school of arts living meaning, but after all there are specializing in),

Send staff the mainest is obedient, small Japan's leaders have any uncomfortable, may at any time to send out,

Monthly wages calculate by working hours (normal 160 h + 40 h free overtime),

No matter whether there is a long holiday, have enough time (not enough time, in addition to deduct wages, staffing company also difficult),

Treatment: pay (to pay) + coupons regularly submit an expense account + employment risks,

Other all have no, standby fee: no!

When monthly wages, at the end of the next month, so, a staffing company pressure for two month,

This is a common situation, because, when monthly wages, customer monthly settlement to send company, under the leasing company to process, to arrive at the end of the next month,

So early to Japan (Tokyo) especially, be sure to bring enough cash (specific amount, please see details below),

Japan's many places can't swipe (especially eating places, especially overseas card, early may can't normal charge),

Rent + + articles for daily use eating, all need cash,

And, after, not necessarily next month (Japan dispatched worker sign the contract by the month) can enter the scene,

Do not set at the end of the scene, we must at least a month to enter the scene,

One thousand black society, dedicated to drag you, when you don't have money to eat, see you still car-scrapping!

In Japan, foreign country, especially the Chinese, cash is the most reliable!!!!!!

Don't feel good to earn money in Japan,

Friends and I saw, akihabara have eight xi, mop salesman (male) in Japan, kneeling on the ground to the customer demo mop, the Chinese can do it, please?

Staffing company, basically is to sell the man's head (some companies may be able to receive live and within his own company do,

Chinese IT staffing company, are generally good Japanese Chinese or Japanese spouses (many) of the northeast,

Time is long, have certain connections, have their own customers (including direct and indirect customer send company),

From domestic hiring, arrange interview (dispatched workers generally a decision), customer wants them (send the power of the company basic not rejected, the customer is a food and clothing parents),

Chinese staffing company, as long as no default salary/departure not difficult/no threat, even if not bad company,

General and client sign the contract by the month, so, can do half a year's on-site (field: the actual work place), even very for a long time,

If exits, it is a month in advance (customer and dispatched workers are),

At the scene of the last month, sending the company's business, started a variety of online resume, to arrange to send worker interview, try to arrange interview in the evening after work),

Now lack of labor, basically a month can set the scene, so the standby don't need to worry too much,

Before the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, Japan's site or more,

Tokyo is (exchange rate calculated at 100 yen=6 yuan) :

Tokyo prices very expensive!!!!!!

Live (Tokyo, if live in kanagawa/chiba, saitama/peripheral county, will be cheaper) :

Japan layer height, the basic is 2.2 m, 2.4 m, height/bigger please careful consideration,

More than 10 flat single room (with hutch defends), rent 70000 yen, the management fee of 5000 yen, water and electricity coal network (about 10000 yen, normal use single workers), 80000 and five/month (5100 yuan),

But the visa for 3 years, under the basic rent house, because, rent the rental period is two years commonly, Japan visa points/1/3 years/5 years,,,,

And the Chinese people, usually not willing to rent the landlord,

Head gold basic it is 250000 yen,

Visa so not more than three years, the basic can only live in rent (this is the destruction of body and mind, to live China university dormitory estimates have experience),

Can also pay for rent, leasing company to sign the rental contract, but is equivalent to you for sending company rented a dormitory, all expenses themselves out, all processes running,

If leave, you have to move (not enough 1 year still have to pay penalty due to breach of contract),

So: Japan is a country of foreign living normal (with visa/lease a variety of ways such as card), one year visa, need not consider to Japan, can only live rent,

Japan's apartment, with water and electricity before check-in, after be being entered again on enlightened net gas, water and electricity,

So can't check appliances/plumbing equipment, such as

(available) after I check in, all equipment has a problem (gas stove bad, leaky plumbing, electric light did not, the balcony partition door glass is the typhoon blow is broken in half, screen door fall on the balcony),

House, the Japanese broker said all maintenance management company (had confirmed the balcony glass partition door, samana also hide is better at that time, after be being entered push fell),

Commission a hand over, mediation would never reply my message,

Find a management company, haven't repaired!!!!!!


The most conventional fast food (yoshino, etc.), the cheapest is 600 ~ 700 yen (about 40 yuan), the cheapest is/KFC, McDonald's

Moreover, Japanese diet variety is less, many of them are chain, concentrated near the station and other places, all could not see what person,


Online, mainly using the amazon, but expensive, choice,

The amazon to buy a bed, two weeks to,

Working days, I have to go to work, as the dispatched workers, the Japanese service personnel to work late than me, go off work earlier than I,

Only the weekend to send (somehow also work over the weekend, is one of the amitabha Buddha),

I place the order on Tuesday, next Monday to send, and finally send next weekend, heavy snow in the two weeks, I slept all the floor,

Under a single bed (bed empty + gym, I find the basic is the cheapest), a total of 20000 + 3000 yen (delivery fee),

Entity shop shopping, fuck all could not find the goods, want is too dense,,,

All the shops, the only supermarket is closed, late night at 21:00 closed,

Other industries (including services), basic 17:00 PM is closed (including apartment management company/post office/delivery/government agencies, etc.),


The tram 140 yen, bus 210 yen,

However, sending company reimbursement vouchers regularly (generally three restrictions: 20000/50000/per month unlimited), transportation what themselves out of the interview,


The scene, can stay for half a year even if for a long time, so it's not friendship,

A staffing company, it is a colleague, you try to heart,

Exotic locales, alone, in addition to the tram stop, even see a few people,

Japanese (I contact is not deep, can only say a point on the surface of the) :

1 whole manners, polite sometimes let a person touched,

But please note: this is only the Japanese habit (a small habit), is not good! Not good! Not good!

The Japanese also have good people have bad people,

I love anime, self-study of Japanese, so to work in Japan,

Come to Japan before, I to Japan is a very good feeling, absolute advocates "sino-japanese friendship",

But now,,, some relatively objective,

2 speak very rules,

Line up/quiet/small voice,

Work is mainly men, including the supermarket cashier (convenience store part-time may girl multipoint),

My team, in addition to me, all Japanese men,

3 work in Japan (where I live is hand company, office buildings as well as first-class office building in Japan, provide free coffee/milk/drinks, etc.) :

Very depressed!!!!!! May be I also not too orientation,

3.1 office desk without any partition, is a chase table,

Everyone a revolving chair, a notebook computer, the computer, the three people in my yu guangzhong,

But I don't want to see them, but also feel that they were monitoring, take phone messages/phone to work, are feeling stressed,

No partition, therefore, an action/speak casually, are likely to influence others, can only try to sound small,

When I see: Japanese men, drawer/stand/sit down,,, basic don't make a sound, talking to people, sound small/low pitch as far as possible, as far as possible is shock to real!!!!!!

Listen to the Japanese said: basic it is like the Japan desk

3.2 commuting time, want to say "hello", no matter meet don't know, I only say hello to know),

Leaders don't work, couldn't go, even if it's ok (occupy less likely to go), and leadership to confirm, before every go

If the late/early, say "hello" embarrassing died,

Japan has a membership system, 3.3

And is member of shows difference:


Without risk of oligonucleotides with uneven,

3.4 members are stable, so, the interpersonal relationship is very, very important,

At the same time, work efficiency is low,

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