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Error when finding value in pymongo Mongodb



client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb srv://username:[email protected]/db?retryWrites=true&w=majority&ssl=true&ssl_cert_reqs=CERT_NONE")
db = client["db"]

#this gives the error
res = list(db.listings.find({}).limit(15).sort([('$natural',-1)]))


pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: No replica set members found yet

I get this error in the line where I assign the variable res. And I don't get this error when run it on my machine, but when i run it on a server i get the error.

CodePudding user response:

This type of error is usually:

  • Not using the latest pymongo drivers (https://pypi.org/project/pymongo/ list the current latest version)
  • Not having the dnspython module installed (I had issues 2.1.0 so would recommend 2.0.0)

CodePudding user response:

I tried every solution in these answers but the only thing that worked is just using the flask_pymongo module instead of pymongo. And now i don't get any errors.

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