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Replace string in with


I am struggling to modify captured value with regex.

For example, I wanna change "Hello, he is hero" to "HEllo, HE is HEro" using Regex.

I know there are ways to change this without regex, but it is just an example to show the problem. I actually use the regex instead of just he, but I cannot provide it here. That is why using regex is required.

The code below somehow does not work. Are there any ways to make it work?

"Hello, he is hero".replacingOccurrences(
                of: #"(he)"#,
                with: "$1".uppercased(), // <- uppercased is not applied
                options: .regularExpression

CodePudding user response:

this is the solution i can provide

var string = "Hello, he is hero"
let occurrence = "he"

string = string.lowercased().replacingOccurrences(
    of: occurrence,
    with: occurrence.uppercased(),
    options: .regularExpression

CodePudding user response:

You need to use your regex in combination with Range (range(of:)) to find matches and then replace each found range separately

Here is a function as an extension to String that does this by using range(of:) starting from the start of the string and then moving the start index to match from forward to after the last match. The actual replacement is done inside a separate function that is passed as an argument

extension String {
    func replace(regex: String, with replace: (Substring) -> String) -> String {
        var string = self
        var startIndex = self.startIndex
        let endIndex = self.endIndex

        while let range = string.range(of: regex, options: [.regularExpression] , range: startIndex..<endIndex) {
            string.replaceSubrange(range, with: replace(string[range]))

            startIndex = range.upperBound
        return string

Example where we do an case insensitive search for words starting with "he" and replace each match with the uppercased version

let result = "Hello, he is hero. There he is".replace(regex: #"(?i)\bhe"#) {


HEllo, HE is HEro. There HE is

CodePudding user response:

You can try NSRegularExpression. Something like:

import Foundation

var sourceStr = "Hello, he is hero"
var regexMatchWords: NSRegularExpression? { try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(he)") }
let matches = regex.matches(in: sourceStr, range: NSRange(sourceStr.startIndex..., in: sourceStr))
let regex = regexMatchWords!
regex.enumerateMatches(in: sourceStr, range: NSRange(sourceStr.startIndex..., in: sourceStr)) { (match, _, _) in
            guard  let match = match else { return }
            guard let range = Range(match.range, in: sourceStr) else { return }
            let sub = sourceStr.substring(with: range)
    sourceStr = sourceStr.replacingOccurrences(of: sub, with: sub.uppercased(), options: [], range: range)

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