1. The first deploy a Linux virtual machine, in this case, use CentOS 7.2 as the Host,
2. Update the system, make the system achieve the latest state:
sudo yum update
Add the Docker yum repository:
$sudo tee/etc/yum repos. D/docker. Repo & lt;[dockerrepo]
Name=Docker Repository baseurl=https://yum.dockerproject.org/repo/main/centos/7/gpgcheck=1gpgkey=https://yum.dockerproject.org/gpg enabled=1
Install Docker engine and base package:
$sudo yum install docker - engine
Start the Docker:
$sudo service docker start
Test the Docker is working correctly:
$sudo docker run the hello world -
In order to avoid each run sudo docker commands are input, can be your current users join into the docker group, it is good to logout and then login:
sudo usermod - aG docker your_username
So far, the Docker engine has been installed, and then we need pull in Docker azure - cli image down, execute the command:
$docker run - it Microsoft/azure - cli
If used in the speed is very slow, you can click here to view the solution,