Home > other >  Why is Typescript not recognizing the type I'm giving to my `useState` state variables?
Why is Typescript not recognizing the type I'm giving to my `useState` state variables?


Why does the following code:

import React, {Dispatch, SetStateAction, useState} from 'react'

type Fn = () => void

export const Component = () => {
  const [fn, setFn]: [Fn, Dispatch<SetStateAction<Fn>>] = useState(() => {})

  return <p>{`${typeof fn}, ${typeof setFn}`}</p>

produce the following Typescript error:

Type '[void, Dispatch<SetStateAction>]' is not assignable to type '[Fn, Dispatch<SetStateAction>]'.

Type at position 0 in source is not compatible with type at position 0 in target.

Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'Fn'.ts(2322)

const fn: Fn


You can see this in action yourself enter image description here

This is happening because, if a function is passed to useState, this is taken as a callback that React runs to determine the initial state. It's a way of not calling expensive processes that determine the initial state of every render.

If you want the state to be a function, you need to nest it inside another function.

const [fn, setFn] = useState(() => () => {})

No need to explicitly note the type - TypeScript can infer it automatically.

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