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Dividing a set of columns by another set of columns based on their column names in R


I'd like to divide a set of columns by another set of columns based on their common suffices in column names. To be more specific, in the following dataframe I would like to divide each column with prefix1 with the corresponding columns with prefix2 (i.e. "prefix1 column1" with "prefix2 column1", "prefix1 column2" with "prefix2 column2" etc.).

enter image description here

dt <- data.frame(replicate(6,sample(1:15,10,rep=TRUE)))
colnames(dt) <- c("prefix1 column1","prefix1 column2","prefix1 column3","prefix2 column1","prefix2 column2","prefix2 column3")

The desirable output would be a dataframe with additional 3 columns having the results of the divisions. My head has badly stuck with this task - I would appreciate any suggestions.

CodePudding user response:

We can loop across the 'prefix1' columns, replace the substring 'prefix1' in column name (cur_column()) with 'prefix2', get the value and divide, create new columns by updating the .names

dt <- dt %>% 
   mutate(across(starts_with('prefix1'), ~ ./get(str_replace(cur_column(), 
      'prefix1', 'prefix2')), .names = '{.col}_new'))

Or use base R

dt[paste0(names(dt)[1:3], "_new")] <- dt[1:3]/dt[4:6]

CodePudding user response:

Another solution, based on purrr::reduce:


dt <- data.frame(replicate(6,sample(1:15,10,rep=TRUE)))
colnames(dt) <- c("prefix1 column1","prefix1 column2","prefix1 column3","prefix2 column1","prefix2 column2","prefix2 column3")

reduce(paste0("column",1:3), function(x,y)
  { z <- x[,paste("prefix1",y)] / x[,paste("prefix2",y)];
  bind_cols(x, z %>% data.frame %>% setNames(. ,paste0("d",y))) }, .init=dt)

#>    prefix1 column1 prefix1 column2 prefix1 column3 prefix2 column1
#> 1                2              12               4              13
#> 2               13              14              12              11
#> 3                6               3               4               6
#> 4                1               9               5               6
#> 5               15               1               2               8
#> 6                4               7              15               1
#> 7                5               9               1              10
#> 8                4              10               1               5
#> 9                6               8               3              12
#> 10              13              13               9               2
#>    prefix2 column2 prefix2 column3  dcolumn1    dcolumn2  dcolumn3
#> 1               15              15 0.1538462  0.80000000 0.2666667
#> 2                1              11 1.1818182 14.00000000 1.0909091
#> 3                5               1 1.0000000  0.60000000 4.0000000
#> 4               13              13 0.1666667  0.69230769 0.3846154
#> 5               15               4 1.8750000  0.06666667 0.5000000
#> 6                9               4 4.0000000  0.77777778 3.7500000
#> 7                7               8 0.5000000  1.28571429 0.1250000
#> 8               14               5 0.8000000  0.71428571 0.2000000
#> 9               13               1 0.5000000  0.61538462 3.0000000
#> 10              14              14 6.5000000  0.92857143 0.6428571
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