Home > other >  Updating (sequentially adding a value into) a variable within a for loop, in bash script
Updating (sequentially adding a value into) a variable within a for loop, in bash script


I am trying to update a variable within a for loop, sequentially adding to the variable, and then printing it to a series of file names.

Actually, I want to sequentially update a series of file, from a tmp file distTmp.RST to sequentially dist1.RST, dist2.RST, etc.. The original distTmp.RST contains a line called "WWW". I want to replace the string with values called 21.5 in dist1.RST, 22.5 in dist2.RST, 23.5 in dist3.RST, etc...

My code is as follows:




for W in {${wm}..${wM}..${wS}}; do

    F=$(${F}   1 | bc)
    echo ${F}
    sed "s/WWW/"${F}"/g" distTmp.RST > dist${W}.RST 
echo ${F}


But I am getting error message as follows:

change.sh: line 13: 20.5 1 | bc: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".5 1 | bc")

Kindly suggest me a solution to the same.

CodePudding user response:

Kindly suggest me a solution to the same.

This might do what you wanted. Using a c-style for loop.

#!/usr/bin/env bash



for ((w=wm;w<=wM;w =wS)); do
  f=$(bc <<< "$F   $w")
  echo "$f"
  sed "s/WWW/$f/g" distTmp.RST > "dist${w}.RST"

  • The error from your script might be because the order of expansion. brace expansion expansion happens before Variable does.

  • See Shell Expansion

CodePudding user response:


F=$(echo ${F}   1 | bc)

instead of F=$((${F} 1 | bc)). The doubled-up parentheses are what caused your error. Double parentheses weren't in the original code, but I get a different error saying 20.5: command not found with the original code, so I tried doubling the parentheses and get the error in the question. Apparently, floating point numbers aren't supported by $(()) arithmetic evaluation expressions in Bash.

  •  Tags:  
  • bash
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