Home > other >  Why doesn't Azure SQL think that an underscore comes between a space and "ZZZZZ"?
Why doesn't Azure SQL think that an underscore comes between a space and "ZZZZZ"?


I just found a what I think is a bug in Azure SQL:

The query below, shows results:

Select * from table where '_' BETWEEN ' ' AND 'ZZZZZZZ',

but in fact, in my understanding and in regular SQL Server or Oracle, this query doesn't show any results.

Any thoughts here?

CodePudding user response:

Trailing spaces are disregarded in = and between comparisons. So ' ' is equivalent to '', which the lowest non-null value in the varchar sort order for the current (and I think every) collation. This is the same on SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.

In currently in all non-binary collations 'Z' > '_' and in all binary collations 'Z' < '_', but ' ' is always lower.

You can run the comparison in all collations with dynamic SQL. EG

declare c cursor local for select name from fn_helpcollations()
declare @collation sysname

declare @collations table(collation sysname, is_Z_less_than_underscore bit)

open c
fetch next from c into @collation
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
  declare @sql nvarchar(max) = 'select '''   @collation   ''', case when ''Z'' < ''_'' collate '   @collation   ' then 1 else 0 end'
  begin try
    insert into @collations
    exec (@sql)
  end try
  begin catch 
    print error_message()
  end catch
fetch next from c into @collation
close c
deallocate c

select *
from @collations
order by 2,1

CodePudding user response:

It also returns results in MS SQL. Since '_' in fact seems to be between ' ' and 'ZZZZZZZ' for certain collations, it is actually the same as

Select * from table where 1=1
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