Home > other >  How can I write a route to receive Content Security Policy report with Flask without getting a 400 B
How can I write a route to receive Content Security Policy report with Flask without getting a 400 B


TL;DR: Apologies for the long post. In a nutshell I am trying to debug a CSP report-uri. If I am missing critical information please let me know.

CSP implementation: Flask-Talisman
The attribute that needs to be set: content_security_policy_report_uri

There does not seem to be a lot of information out there on how to capture this report
I can't find anything specific in the Flask-Talisman documentation

As Flask-Talisman only sets headers, including the report-uri, I imagine this is outside the scope of the extension anyway

The route

All resources I've found have roughly the same function:
https://www.merixstudio.com/blog/content-security-policy-flask-and-django-part-2/ http://csplite.com/csp260/

The only really detailed explanation I've found for this route is below (it is not related to Flask-Talisman however)

From https://www.merixstudio.com/blog/content-security-policy-flask-and-django-part-2/ (This is what I am currently using)

# app/routes/report.py

import json
import pprint
from flask import request, make_response, Blueprint
bp = Blueprint("report", __name__, url_prefix="report")
@bp.route('/csp-violations', methods=['POST'])
def report():
    """Receive a post request containing csp-resport.
    This is the report-uri. Print report to console and 
    return Response object.

    :return: Flask Response object.
    pprint.pprint(json.loads(str(request.data, 'utf-8')))
    response = make_response()
    response.status_code = 200
    return response

This route only receives a 400 error and I am at a loss in finding out how to actually debug this - - [04/Nov/2021 14:29:09] "POST /report/csp-violations HTTP/1.1" 400 -

I have tried with a GET request and could see I am receiving an empty request, which seems to mean that the CSP report isn't being delivered (response from

# app/routes/report.py
@bp.route('/csp-violations', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def report():
b'' - - [04/Nov/2021 18:03:52] "GET /report/csp_violations HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Edit: Definitely receiving nothing

@bp.route("/csp_violations", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def report():
    return str(request.args)  # ImmutableMultiDict([ ])

Will not work with a GET or POST request (still 400)

@bp.route("/csp_violations", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def report():
    content = request.get_json(force=True)

Without force=True

@bp.route("/csp_violations", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def report():
    content = request.get_json()  # json.decoder.JSONDecodeError

Chromium (same result on Chrome, Brave, and FireFox)

When I check this out on Chromium under CTRL-SHIFT-I > Network I see

Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

But apparently the payload does exist at the bottom under "Request Payload"...

    "document-uri": "",
    "referrer": "",
    "violated-directive": "script-src-elem",
    "effective-directive": "script-src-elem",
    "original-policy": "default-src 'self' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://cdn.cloudflare.com https://cdn.jsdelivr.net https://gravatar.com jquery.js; report-uri /report/csp-violations",
    "disposition": "enforce",
    "blocked-uri": "inline",
    "line-number": 319,
    "source-file": "",
    "status-code": 200,
    "script-sample": ""

Is the CSP blocking this request?

After reading Python Flask 400 Bad Request Error Every Request I set all requests to HTTPS with the help of https://stackoverflow.com/a/63708394/13316671
This fixed a few unittests but no change to the 400 error for this particular route

# app/config.py
from environs import Env
from flask import Flask

env = Env()
class Config:
    """Load environment."""

    def PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME(self) -> str:  # noqa
        return env.str("PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME", default="https")
# app/__init__.py
from app.config import Config

def create_app() -> Flask:
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app
flask run --cert="$HOME/.openssl/cert.pem" --key="$HOME/.openssl/key.pem"

400 Bad Request

Through what I've read a 400 Bad Request error usually happens from an empty request or form


...the issue is that Flask raises an HTTP error when it fails to find a key in 
the args and form dictionaries. What Flask assumes by default is that if you 
are asking for a particular key and it's not there then something got 
left out of the request and the entire request is invalid.


99% of the time, this error is a key error caused by your requesting a key in 
the request.form dictionary that does not exist. To debug it, run


request.data in my case

Through trying to fix this I have gone down the rabbit-hole in regard to just seeing the cause of the 400 error

I have implemented the following


import traceback
from flask import Flask  
app = Flask(__name__)
    def internal_error(exception):  # noqa
        print("400 error caught")

And added the following to my config
I haven't checked, but I think these values already get set alongside DEBUG

# app/config.py
from environs import Env
env = Env()
class Config:
    """Load environment."""
    def TRAP_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS(self) -> bool:  # noqa
        """Report traceback on error."""
        return env.bool("TRAP_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS", default=self.DEBUG)  # noqa
    def TRAP_BAD_REQUEST_ERRORS(self) -> bool:  # noqa
        """Report 400 traceback on error."""
        return env.bool("TRAP_BAD_REQUEST_ERRORS", default=self.DEBUG)  # noqa   

I still am not getting a traceback. The only time werkzeug shows a traceback is through a complete crash, for something like a syntax error

It seems, because I am not initializing this request that the app continues to run through the 400 code, no problem


Main conclusion I'm drawing is that for some reason the report-uri is not valid because I can see the payload exists, I am just not receiving it

I used the relative route as the subdomain would be different for a localhost and a remote. It looks as though the request is being made to the full URL in the Chromium snippet though.

Could I be receiving invalid headers https://stackoverflow.com/a/45682197? If so how can I debug that?

Note: The report-uri is deprecated, but I don't think most browsers support the report-to parameter


I have taken the following out of my application factory (this code renders my exceptions - which I posted as an answer here so it is available https://stackoverflow.com/a/69723406/13316671

    app = Flask(__name__)
    # exceptions.init_app(app)
    return app

After doing this (on FireFox Private mode), I made another POST (I've removed the GET method) I can see the response - here I have managed to collect a Werkzeug traceback finally:

wtforms.validators.ValidationError: The CSRF token is missing.

Working out how to authenticate a csp-report coming from the browser

So far I've had a look at this: Add a new Http Header in Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only "report-uri" POST call

CodePudding user response:

Try this piece of code:

@app.route('/report-csp-violations', methods=['POST'])
    def report():
        content = request.get_json(force=True)   # that's where the shoe pinches
        print(json.dumps(content, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
        response = make_response()
        response.status_code = 204
        return response

I think that request.data tries automatically parse JSON data and for success parsing it expects application/json MIME type been sent.
But violation reports is sent with the application/csp-report MIME type, therefore Flask considers it as a wrong data from the client -> 404 Bad Request.

.get_json(force=True) means ignore the mimetype and always try to parse JSON.

Also I don't think you need to do a conversion to utf-8 because according to rfc4627 "3. Encoding":

JSON text SHALL be encoded in Unicode. The default encoding is UTF-8.

CodePudding user response:

For now I have exempted the view from CRSFProtect. I think that should be fine as this view does not return a template, so I haven't been able to add

<form method="post">
    {{ form.csrf_token }}

And the below didn't work for me (Don't think it's a valid token)

# app/routes/report.py
def report():
    response = make_response()
    response.headers["X-CSRFToken"] = csrf.generate_csrf()
    return response

With the instantiated CSRFProtect object...

# app/extensions.py
from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect
csrf_protect = CSRFProtect()
def init_app(app: Flask) -> None:

...decorate the view

# app/routes/report.py
from app.extensions import csrf_protect
@blueprint.route("/csp_violations", methods=["POST"])
def report():
    .... - - [06/Nov/2021 21:30:46] "POST /report/csp_violations HTTP/1.1" 204 -
    "csp-report": {
        "blocked-uri": "inline",
        "column-number": 8118,
        "document-uri": "",
        "line-number": 3,
        "original-policy": "default-src" ...
        "referrer": "",
        "source-file": ...

I had a system going where my errors were obfuscated, so that's my mistake. This is not the first time I've had trouble with CSRFProtect.

I've fixed the debugging problem with

# app/exceptions.py
def init_app(app: Flask) -> None:
    def render_error(error: HTTPException) -> Tuple[str, int]:

        # the below code is new

So, this is what I would see now if I was still getting this error

[2021-11-06 21:23:56,054] ERROR in exceptions: The CSRF token is missing. - - [06/Nov/2021 21:23:56] "POST /report/csp_violations HTTP/1.1" 400 -
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