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Kustomize nameSuffix skip on some resources


I am using Kustomize to manage multiple variations of the same cluster. I am using nameSuffix option to add a suffix to all my resources:

nameSuffix: -mysfx

My problem is that everything works fine but adding this suffix only to one Service resource cause me an issue. My problem is that the application (Patroni) interact with a service that must be called:


so I want to exclude this single resource from the nameSuffix. I know this is not possible due to how this feature was designed. I read several articles here on StackOverflow and on the web. I know I can skip the use of nameSuffix for a category of resources. So I tried to put in my kustomization.yaml the rows:

- kustomize-config/kustomize-config.yaml

to skip all the Service resources. Then in the file kustomize-config/kustomize-config.yaml

- path: metadata/name
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Service
  skip: true

but this doesn't work.

Does anyone know what's wrong with this configuration?

Then suppose I am able now to skip the use of nameSuffix for only Service resources, I have other two Services where I want to add this suffix. What do I have to do to add nameSuffix to these two Services and not the one mentioned above?

If there is a better solution for this, please let me know.

CodePudding user response:

Skipping selected kinds doesn't work because this feature wasn't implemented - from this comment on GitHub issue 519.

Also this is an example how it was supposed to be (what you tried)

Based on this comment, it works on kinds that were explicitly mentioned:

The plugin's config is currently oriented towards specifying which kinds to modify, ignoring others.

Also based on some tests I performed, it looks for kinds only, it doesn't look for names or anything, so only the whole kind can be included. Hence second part of your question is I'm afraid not possible (well, using kustomize, you can use sed for instance and modify everything you need on the go).

I created a simple structure and tested it:

$ tree
├── cm1.yaml
├── cm2.yaml
├── kustomization.yaml
├── kustomizeconfig
   └── skip-prefix.yaml
├── pod.yaml
├── secret.yaml
└── storageclass.yaml

1 directory, 7 files

There are two configmaps, pod, secret and storageclass, total 5 objects.

$ cat kustomization.yaml 

namePrefix: prefix-
nameSuffix: -suffix
- cm1.yaml
- cm2.yaml
- secret.yaml
- pod.yaml
- storageclass.yaml
- ./kustomizeconfig/skip-prefix.yaml

And configuration (specified explicitly all kinds except for configmaps). Also it's called namePrefix, however it works for both: prefix and suffix:

$ cat kustomizeconfig/skip-prefix.yaml 

- path: metadata/name
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Secret
- path: metadata/name
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
- path: metadata/name
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: StorageClass

Eventually kustomize build . looks like:

$ kustomize build .

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: prefix-local-storage-suffix # modified
provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cm1 # skipped
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cm2 # skipped
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: prefix-secret-suffix # modified
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: prefix-pod-suffix # modified
  - image: image
    name: pod

Another potential option is to use PrefixSuffixTransformer plugin - it works differently in terms of specifying what prefix and/or suffix should be added and fieldSpecs where.

Please find an example and final results below within this Feature Test for Issue 0519_b.

Also there's already a good answer on StackOverflow about using PrefixSuffixTransformer.

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