Home > other >  Strives for the big help, game packed into APK is reported this mistake how to solve...
Strives for the big help, game packed into APK is reported this mistake how to solve...


Compile time error, this how to solve the

[armeabi] SharedLibrary: libcocos2dcpp. So
D:/Trantplan/android - the NDK - r9d/toolchains/arm - Linux - androideabi - 4.6/prebuilt/Windows - x86_64/bin/../lib/GCC/arm - Linux - androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm - Linux - androideabi/bin/ld. Exe:/obj/local/armeabi/objs/cocos2dcpp_shared/__/__/Classes/LayerGame. O: function in AI: : create () : jni/../../Classes/AI. H: 10: error: undefined reference to 'AI: : init ()'
D:/Trantplan/android - the NDK - r9d/toolchains/arm - Linux - androideabi - 4.6/prebuilt/Windows - x86_64/bin/../lib/GCC/arm - Linux - androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm - Linux - androideabi/bin/ld. Exe:/obj/local/armeabi/objs/cocos2dcpp_shared/__/__/Classes/LayerGame. O: function in AI: : create () : jni/../../Classes/AI. H: 10: error: undefined reference to 'vtable for AI'
D:/Trantplan/android - the NDK - r9d/toolchains/arm - Linux - androideabi - 4.6/prebuilt/Windows - x86_64/bin/../lib/GCC/arm - Linux - androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm - Linux - androideabi/bin/ld. Exe:/obj/local/armeabi/objs/cocos2dcpp_shared/__/__/Classes/LayerGame. O: in function LayerGame: : eatItem (Item *) : jni/../../Classes/LayerGame. CPP: 359: error: undefined reference to 'AI: : pause ()
Make: brigade directory `/cygdrive/c/Python27/cocos2d - x - 2.2.6/projects/Tank0718/proj. Android '
Collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Make: * * * [obj/local/armeabi/libcocos2dcpp so] Error 1

* * * * * * * * Build Finished

Android. Mk file is written that there is no problem, how is the error
LOCAL_SRC_FILES:=hellocpp/main CPP \
./../Classes/AppDelegate. CPP \
./../Classes/Bullet. CPP \
./../Classes/Item. CPP \
./../Classes/LayerGame CPP \
./../Classes/LayerMenu CPP \
./../Classes/LayerSetup CPP \
./../Classes/LayerStart CPP \
./../Classes/MenuCtrl CPP \
./../Classes/TankFriend CPP \
./../Classes/TankEnemy CPP

CodePudding user response:

AI: : create () this source file is not included
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