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Electric control valve small knowledge!


Hey, are you the little control in the housekeeper back again, and you how are you doing this weekend? Today we bring little knowledge is a motorized valve, kangkang together,

The role of the electric control valve

Regulator in the modern factory plays a very important role in automatic control, production depends on the correct flow of the liquid and gas distribution and control of gas and liquid control both the exchange of energy, low pressure or is a simple container loading, all need to rely on some final control element to complete, the final control element can be thought of as the automatic control of "manual", in the regulator low energy level and high level necessary for the execution of flow fluid control function, and between the final control element to complete the necessary power amplification effect,

Electric control valve function

Take off control signal fault diagnosis, alarm and protection function, when the fault signal can make the actuator or open; Or off; Or keep; Or between 0 ~ 100% in any position, and with the valve locked-rotor failure diagnosis, alarm and protection function,

Series with the top guide and single seat sealing structure, compared with other similar valve, regulating valve has simple structure, large rated flow coefficient, the seat leak the outstanding advantages of small volume, in addition, with soft sealing structure there are both regulating function and to cut off the function, is a kind of regulation to cut off the control valve, also can be used as a cut-off valve,

Electric control valve advantages

1, with the power supply is both convenient and save, save the building air supply station, a series of cost;

2, use the "pneumatic valve + electric valve positioner, air supply" mode of complex, it not only increases the cost, it lead to a drop in the reliability (the more links, poor reliability factors increase);

3, from the economic point of view, in addition to save the cost of the air supply station, also save the cost of electric valve positioner, a good imported electrical valve positioner, usually in 5000 ~ 6000 yuan of above, the better price in 8000 ~ 10000, and the price can be basically to buy back the highly reliable electronic actuators;

4, link is reduced, the corresponding reduces the maintenance workload,

Electric control valve faults

1, motor running of internal heat can cause thermal protection, make the regulator to stop work;

Must pass through multiple reduction to 2, because the motor output torque, so the speed is not fast, in some requiring quick opening and closing is not applicable, big torque and high speed, is a more difficult to solve the contradiction between;

3, as a result of the moving parts, relatively prone to failure, especially in regulating frequent condition, easy to produce the motor thermal protection, gear damage, the module of fault, thyristor burnt under this condition, it is better to choose pneumatic control valve is good -

This period will be here, welcome to attention, together with progress!

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