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Why are the callback calls going in the wrong queue?


I have a method where I expect the following sequence of calls:

  1. sendUpdateCallback
  2. sendSuccessCallback

Here's the place I'm calling from:

  public String onPaymentInitiationAuthorizationSuccess(
    @NotEmpty String userId,
    @NotEmpty String paymentExtra,
    @NotEmpty String paymentProduct
  ) {
    log.error("onPaymentInitiationAuthorizationSuccess tag");
    Map<String, String> paymentExtraMap = parseExtra(paymentExtra);

    String sessionSecret = paymentExtraMap.get(SDKConstants.KEY_SESSION_SECRET);
    String status = getStatusOfPaymentProduct(paymentProduct);
    SessionSuccessCallbackRequest params = new SessionSuccessCallbackRequest(userId, status);
    sessionsCallbackService.sendUpdateCallback(sessionSecret, params);
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sessionSecret)) sessionsCallbackService.sendSuccessCallback(sessionSecret, params);

    return paymentExtraMap.getOrDefault(SDKConstants.KEY_RETURN_TO_URL, "");

Here is the code of my methods:

public class SessionsCallbackService extends CallbackRestClient {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessionsCallbackService.class);

    public void sendUpdateCallback(String sessionSecret, BaseCallbackRequest params) {
        String url = createCallbackRequestUrl(createSessionPath(sessionSecret)   "/update");
        sendSessionCallback(url, sessionSecret, params);

    public void sendSuccessCallback(String sessionSecret, BaseCallbackRequest params) {
        String url = createCallbackRequestUrl(createSessionPath(sessionSecret)   "/success");
        sendSessionCallback(url, sessionSecret, params);

But in logs i see next: enter image description here

As you can see from the screenshot, it is clear that I first call the sendUpdateCallback method and after sendSuccessCallback, but we see on requests that sendSuccessCallback is implemented faster, how can this be fixed?

CodePudding user response:

To fix the problem (make asynchronous (void) "service" (methods) synchronous), you could (if the effort is worth/not too big), refactor your void (semi-blocking) method to (Completable)Future<Void> like:

public CompletableFuture<Void> sendUpdateCallback(String sessionSecret, BaseCallbackRequest params) {
    String url = createCallbackRequestUrl(createSessionPath(sessionSecret)   "/update");
    sendSessionCallback(url, sessionSecret, params);
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

... then to "block" it, you would:

CompletableFuture<Void> updateResult = sessionsCallbackService.sendUpdateCallback(sessionSecret, params);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sessionSecret)) {
  updateResult.get(); // also possible: get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
  if (updateResult.isCancelled()) {
     // ...will not happen in my answer, but for completeness..
  } else if (updateResult.isCompletedExceptionally()) {
    // handle/throw exception?
  } else if (updateResult.isDone()) { 
    // finally send success
    sessionsCallbackService.sendSuccessCallback(sessionSecret, params);

But easiest (& convincing) is: Ervin's comment

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