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IHP - How to use fetchRelated with fetchOneOrNothing?


This is my schema:




The query I'm writing is:

action MyAction { .. } = do
roomEvent <- query @RoomEvent
  |> filterWhere (#roomId, roomId)
  |> orderBy #createdAt
  |> fetchOneOrNothing
  >>= fetchRelated #userId

But this is throwing following error:

Web/Controller/Posts.hs:150:21: error:
    • Could not deduce (FromRow fetchModel0)
        arising from a use of ‘fetchRelated’
      from the context: (?context::ControllerContext,
                         ?modelContext::ModelContext, ?theAction::PostsController)
        bound by the type signature for:
                   action :: (?context::ControllerContext,
                              ?modelContext::ModelContext, ?theAction::PostsController) =>
                             PostsController -> IO ()
        at Web/Controller/Posts.hs:57:5-10
      The type variable ‘fetchModel0’ is ambiguous
The type variable ‘fetchModel0’ is ambiguous
      These potential instances exist:
        instance Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField.FromField a =>
                 FromRow (Only a)
          -- Defined in ‘Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow’
        instance FromRow Activity
          -- Defined at build/Generated/Types.hs:412:10
        instance FromRow ActivityPostFile
          -- Defined at build/Generated/Types.hs:802:10
        ...plus 64 others
        ...plus one instance involving out-of-scope types
        (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
    • In the second argument of ‘(>>=)’, namely ‘fetchRelated #userId’

Does this mean that instances generated from other tables is interfering with this query? I've tried using fetchRelatedOrNothing and maybeFetchRelatedOrNothing too.

UPDATE: On using maybeFetchRelatedOrNothing, I'm getting:

Couldn't match typeMaybe fieldValue0’ with ‘Id' "users"’
arising from a use of ‘maybeFetchRelatedOrNothing’

And on using fetchRelatedOrNothing:

Couldn't match typeInclude "userId" (Maybe RoomEvent)’
                     with ‘RoomEvent' (Id' "rooms") UserExpected type: Maybe RoomEvent
                     -> IO (ModuleRoomEvent' (Id' "rooms") User)
        Actual type: Maybe ModuleRoomEvent
                     -> IO (Include "userId" (Maybe RoomEvent))

CodePudding user response:

Using maybeFetchRelatedOrNothing should work here:

roomEvent <- query @RoomEvent
  |> filterWhere (#roomId, roomId)
  |> orderBy #createdAt
  |> fetchOneOrNothing
  >>= maybeFetchRelatedOrNothing #userId

What was the error when you tried this?

Also the |> orderBy #createdAt requires a created_at column in the room_events table, but it's not listed as part of your schema. Maybe this could also affect the issue?

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