I am trying to render the plot generated by seaborn on Django template.
I have the following code in my views.py:
def booking_hour_plot():
qs = bookings_today()
df = read_frame(qs)
plot = sns.countplot(data=df)
return plot
def render_stats_page(request):
#general info
user_count = total_users_until_now()
cancel_rate = activity_cancel_rate()
#activity/booking details
activity_set = activities_today()
booking_set = bookings_today()
plot = booking_hour_plot()
return render(request, "stats.html", {'name':'Avonmore Statistics',
'cancel_rate': round(float(cancel_rate), 2),
'booking_count_today': booking_set.count(),
'activity_count_today': activity_set.count(),
'activities_today': activity_set,
'bookings_today': booking_set,
'booking_hour_plot': plot,
And I have a html template called stats.html that containing the plot. The templates directory and views.py are in the same directory:
<li>Real Time Plot: {{booking_hour_plot}}</li>
However, the rendered html page is not really showing the plot. It's more like the plot object: enter image description here
Any Idea how to put the real plot on the html page, rather than this plot object?
CodePudding user response:
Try saving and encoding your plot as png
file, then display as <img>
element tag by this way:
from io import BytesIO
import base64
def booking_hour_plot():
qs = bookings_today()
df = read_frame(qs)
plot = sns.countplot(data=df)
plot_file = BytesIO()
plot.savefig(plot_file, format='png')
encoded_file - base64.b64encode(plot_file.getValue())
return encoded_file
in stats.html
<li>Real Time Plot: <img src='data:image/png;base64,{{booking_hour_plot}}'/></li>