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Group by using 2 columns and if the time difference between the rows of third column is less than 2


I have this data in my csv

190,390,'2020-04-20 12:44:36',323
282,811,'2020-04-06 11:12:24',25
495,414,'2020-04-20 11:22:13',11
827,158,'2020-04-30 13:27:22',22
827,158,'2020-04-30 13:27:44',15

I am trying to group rows with same A_PERSON,B_PERSON and if the difference between DATE_TIME DURATION of one row and DATE_TIME of another row is less than 2 seconds. For example in the last 2 rows I have same A_PERSON,B_PERSON and the difference between DATE_TIME of second last row DURATION of second last row and DATE_TIME of last rows is less than 2 seconds so only the last row should be merged and all other rows will be displayed as it is.

Desired Output

190,390,'2020-04-20 12:44:36',323
282,811,'2020-04-06 11:12:24',25
495,414,'2020-04-20 11:22:13',11
827,158,'2020-04-30 13:27:22',37

Till now I have tried this

def merger(dataframe:pd.core.frame.DataFrame)->pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
    dataframe['DATE_TIME'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['DATE_TIME'])
    dataframe['epoch'] = (dataframe['DATE_TIME'] - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).dt.total_seconds()
    mask = dataframe[((dataframe['epoch']) < dataframe['epoch']   1   dataframe['DURATION'])]
    grouped = mask.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON"]).sum("DURATION")
    return grouped

In this code group by on the A_PERSON,B_PERSON is working but the where mask is not working

Sample 2

441785807190,4299330390,'2020-04-20 12:44:36',323
441785808282,4238900811,'2020-04-06 11:12:24',25
14244012495,3104405414,'2020-04-20 11:22:13',11
96897940827,3139578158,'2020-04-30 13:27:02',32
96897940827,3139578158,'2020-04-30 13:27:34',16

Desired output for sample 2

441785807190,4299330390,'2020-04-20 12:44:36',323
441785808282,4238900811,'2020-04-06 11:12:24',25
14244012495,3104405414,'2020-04-20 11:22:13',11
96897940827,3139578158,'2020-04-30 13:27:02',48

Sample 3

441785807190,4299330390,'2020-04-20 12:44:36',323
96897940827,3139578158,'2020-04-30 13:27:00',33
441785808282,4238900811,'2020-04-06 11:12:24',25
14244012495,3104405414,'2020-04-20 11:22:13',11
96897940827,3139578158,'2020-04-30 13:27:34',16

Desired output for sample 3

441785807190,4299330390,'2020-04-20 12:44:36',323
96897940827,3139578158,'2020-04-30 13:27:00',49
441785808282,4238900811,'2020-04-06 11:12:24',25
14244012495,3104405414,'2020-04-20 11:22:13',11

CodePudding user response:

In sample data is difference 5 seconds in last group (13:27:59 - 13:27:54 = 5seconds).

Solution is add DURATION in seconds to new column add and per groups get differencies by DataFrameGroupBy.diff with compare invert condition for greater like N with cumulative sum for new group column, last aggregate first and sum:

N = 5
dataframe['DATE_TIME'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['DATE_TIME'])

dataframe['add'] = dataframe['DATE_TIME']   pd.to_timedelta(dataframe['DURATION'],unit='s')
f = lambda x: x.diff().dt.total_seconds().gt(N).cumsum()
dataframe['g'] =  dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON"])['add'].transform(f)
print (dataframe)
   A_PERSON  B_PERSON           DATE_TIME  DURATION                 add  g
0       190       390 2020-04-20 12:44:36       323 2020-04-20 12:49:59  0
1       282       811 2020-04-06 11:12:24        25 2020-04-06 11:12:49  0
2       495       414 2020-04-20 11:22:13        11 2020-04-20 11:22:24  0
3       827       158 2020-04-30 13:27:32        22 2020-04-30 13:27:54  0
4       827       158 2020-04-30 13:27:44        15 2020-04-30 13:27:59  0

dataframe = (dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON", 'g'])
                      .agg({'DATE_TIME':'first', 'DURATION':'sum'})

print (dataframe)
0       190       390 2020-04-20 12:44:36       323
1       282       811 2020-04-06 11:12:24        25
2       495       414 2020-04-20 11:22:13        11
3       827       158 2020-04-30 13:27:32        37

If need compare add shifted per groups by DATE_TIME column solution (with new data) is:

N = 2

dataframe['DATE_TIME'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['DATE_TIME'])

dataframe['add'] = dataframe['DATE_TIME']   pd.to_timedelta(dataframe['DURATION'],unit='s')
dataframe['diff'] = dataframe['DATE_TIME'].sub(dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON"])['add'].shift()).dt.total_seconds().gt(N)

dataframe['g'] = dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON"])['diff'].cumsum()
print (dataframe)
   A_PERSON  B_PERSON           DATE_TIME  DURATION                 add  \
0       190       390 2020-04-20 12:44:36       323 2020-04-20 12:49:59   
1       282       811 2020-04-06 11:12:24        25 2020-04-06 11:12:49   
2       495       414 2020-04-20 11:22:13        11 2020-04-20 11:22:24   
3       827       158 2020-04-30 13:27:22        22 2020-04-30 13:27:44   
4       827       158 2020-04-30 13:27:44        15 2020-04-30 13:27:59   

    diff  g  
0  False  0  
1  False  0  
2  False  0  
3  False  0  
4  False  0  

dataframe = (dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON", 'g'])
                      .agg({'DATE_TIME':'first', 'DURATION':'sum'})

print (dataframe)
0       190       390 2020-04-20 12:44:36       323
1       282       811 2020-04-06 11:12:24        25
2       495       414 2020-04-20 11:22:13        11
3       827       158 2020-04-30 13:27:22        37

Tested 3rd sample:

N = 2

dataframe['DATE_TIME'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['DATE_TIME'])

dataframe['add'] = dataframe['DATE_TIME']   pd.to_timedelta(dataframe['DURATION'],unit='s')
dataframe['diff'] = dataframe['DATE_TIME'].sub(dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON"])['add'].shift()).dt.total_seconds().gt(N)

dataframe['g'] = dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON"])['diff'].cumsum()
print (dataframe)
       A_PERSON    B_PERSON           DATE_TIME  DURATION                 add  \
0  441785807190  4299330390 2020-04-20 12:44:36       323 2020-04-20 12:49:59   
1   96897940827  3139578158 2020-04-30 13:27:00        33 2020-04-30 13:27:33   
2  441785808282  4238900811 2020-04-06 11:12:24        25 2020-04-06 11:12:49   
3   14244012495  3104405414 2020-04-20 11:22:13        11 2020-04-20 11:22:24   
4   96897940827  3139578158 2020-04-30 13:27:34        16 2020-04-30 13:27:50   

    diff  g  
0  False  0  
1  False  0  
2  False  0  
3  False  0  
4  False  0  

dataframe = (dataframe.groupby(["A_PERSON", "B_PERSON", 'g'])
                      .agg({'DATE_TIME':'first', 'DURATION':'sum'})

print (dataframe)
0   14244012495  3104405414 2020-04-20 11:22:13        11
1   96897940827  3139578158 2020-04-30 13:27:00        49
2  441785807190  4299330390 2020-04-20 12:44:36       323
3  441785808282  4238900811 2020-04-06 11:12:24        25
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