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Error when multiplying input value in a variable


I have 2 lists (conversion from kilometers to miles etc.). When I'm trying to use input value to calculate (so "X * 1.609" for kilometers to miles) I have an error NaN.

const inputPlace = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputPlace").value);

const config = {
 "kilometers": {
    "miles": inputPlace * 1.609,
    "yards": "Convert km to yd",
    "feet": "Convert km to ft",
    "inches": "Convert km to in"
  "meters": {
    "miles": "Convert m to mi",
    "yards": "Convert m to yd",
    "feet": "Convert m to ft",
    "inches": "Convert m to in"
  "centimeters": {
    "miles": "Convert cm to mi",
    "yards": "Convert cm to yd",
    "feet": "Convert cm to ft",
    "inches": "Convert cm to in"
  "milimeters": {
    "miles": "Convert mm to mi",
    "yards": "Convert mm to yd",
    "feet": "Convert mm to ft",
    "inches": "Convert mm to in"

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function(){
   const metricValue = document.getElementById("metric").value;
   const impValue = document.getElementById("imperial").value;
   document.getElementById("aaa1").innerHTML = config[metricValue][impValue].toFixed(2);
              <input type="number" id="inputPlace">
                <select name="metric" id="metric">
                  <option value="kilometers">km</option>
                  <option value="meters">m</option>
                  <option value="centimeters">cm</option>
                  <option value="milimeters">mm</option>

                <select name="imperial" id="imperial">
                  <option value="miles">mi</option>
                  <option value="yards">yd</option>
                  <option value="feet">ft</option>
                  <option value="inches">in</option>

                <button id="btn">Click</button>
                <p id="aaa1">Placeholder</p>
<iframe name="sif1" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

(Please only look at first example - km to mi) How to fix it?

CodePudding user response:

Well, this one is simple. In the first line of your code, you are getting the value of the input, which is a blank string (the user hasn't entered anything yet! You're executing that line once the page loads), which when you try to convert to an int results in "Not a Number". Instead, you should get the value of the number when you press the click button, not once the page loads (you also have to create a function to dynamically calculate the value):

function calc(value) {
  // creating a function to re-calculate the value
  const config = {
    "kilometers": {
      "miles": value * 1.609,
      "yards": "Convert km to yd",
      "feet": "Convert km to ft",
      "inches": "Convert km to in"
    "meters": {
      "miles": "Convert m to mi",
      "yards": "Convert m to yd",
      "feet": "Convert m to ft",
      "inches": "Convert m to in"
    "centimeters": {
      "miles": "Convert cm to mi",
      "yards": "Convert cm to yd",
      "feet": "Convert cm to ft",
      "inches": "Convert cm to in"
    "milimeters": {
      "miles": "Convert mm to mi",
      "yards": "Convert mm to yd",
      "feet": "Convert mm to ft",
      "inches": "Convert mm to in"
  return config;

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function() {
  const metricValue = document.getElementById("metric").value;
  const impValue = document.getElementById("imperial").value;
  const inputPlace = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputPlace").value.replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll(" ", ""));

  document.getElementById("aaa1").innerHTML = calc(inputPlace)[metricValue][impValue].toFixed(2); // calling a function that returns an object instead of just using the object
<input type="number" id="inputPlace">

<select name="metric" id="metric">
  <option value="kilometers">km</option>
  <option value="meters">m</option>
  <option value="centimeters">cm</option>
  <option value="milimeters">mm</option>

<select name="imperial" id="imperial">
  <option value="miles">mi</option>
  <option value="yards">yd</option>
  <option value="feet">ft</option>
  <option value="inches">in</option>

<button id="btn">Click</button>
<p id="aaa1">Placeholder</p>
<iframe name="sif2" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

CodePudding user response:

I think you've misunderstood my last answer a little bit. There are 4 main problems with the code:

  1. The values stored in config were supposed to be methods
  2. You're calling toFixed on what is essentially a method without every actually executing the method to get a result
  3. You're reading the value of the input before the user had a chance to enter anything.
  4. If you want to support the user entering decimals use parseFloat not parseInt

const config = {
  "kilometers": {
    "miles": v => v * 1.609,
    "yards": "Convert km to yd",
    "feet": "Convert km to ft",
    "inches": "Convert km to in"
  "meters": {
    "miles": "Convert m to mi",
    "yards": "Convert m to yd",
    "feet": "Convert m to ft",
    "inches": "Convert m to in"
  "centimeters": {
    "miles": "Convert cm to mi",
    "yards": "Convert cm to yd",
    "feet": "Convert cm to ft",
    "inches": "Convert cm to in"
  "milimeters": {
    "miles": "Convert mm to mi",
    "yards": "Convert mm to yd",
    "feet": "Convert mm to ft",
    "inches": "Convert mm to in"

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", function() {
  const metricValue = document.getElementById("metric").value;
  const impValue = document.getElementById("imperial").value;
  const inputPlace = parseFloat(document.getElementById("inputPlace").value);
  const fn = config[metricValue][impValue];
  document.getElementById("aaa1").innerHTML = fn(inputPlace).toFixed(2);
<input type="number" id="inputPlace">

<select name="metric" id="metric">
  <option value="kilometers">km</option>
  <option value="meters">m</option>
  <option value="centimeters">cm</option>
  <option value="milimeters">mm</option>

<select name="imperial" id="imperial">
  <option value="miles">mi</option>
  <option value="yards">yd</option>
  <option value="feet">ft</option>
  <option value="inches">in</option>

<button id="btn">Click</button>
<p id="aaa1">Placeholder</p>
<iframe name="sif3" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

NOTE: The above will only work with kilometers-miles selected as thats the only one with a valid function as the value!

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