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C model deployment image preprocessing


This is a picture I need to make the picture of the normalization and standardization, and convert [h, w, and c] to [c. w], now stuck in the transpose this way, the results of the Yang and correct results of Numbers are the same, but the location is not the same, should be the problem of transpose this way,
This is my code

Float * ptr_image_r=image_data;
Float * ptr_image_g=image_data + size/3;
Float * ptr_image_b=image_data + size/3 * 2;
Float mean_b=0.485;
Float mean_g=0.456;
Float mean_r=0.406;
Float std_b=0.229;
Float std_g=0.224;
Float std_r=0.225;
Auto data1=im. Ptr (0);
STD: : cout & lt; (* data1) & lt;
for (int i=0; i {
Auto data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/im.ptr (I);
For (int j=0; J & lt; Im. Cols; J++)
* ptr_image_b + +=(static_cast & lt; Float> (* data++)/255.0 - mean_b)/std_b;
* ptr_image_g + +=(static_cast & lt; Float> (* data++)/255.0 - mean_g)/std_g;
* ptr_image_r + +=(static_cast & lt; Float> (* data++)/255.0 - mean_r)/std_r;


//transpose shape from (h, w, c) to (c, h, w)
For (int k=0; K & lt; 1; K++)
For (int c=0; C & lt; 3; + + c)
for (int i=0; i {
For (int j=0; J & lt; New_width; + + j)
Array. The push_back (static_cast & lt; Float> (image_data [new_width + j) (I * * 3 + c]));

//expend shape from (c, h, w) to (a, c, h, w)
Shape image_shape=Shape (1, 3, new_height, new_width);
NDArray transformed_image=NDArray (image_shape, (* model_p) global_ctx, false);

Transformed_image. SyncCopyFromCPU (array. The data (), image_shape. The Size ());
NDArray: : WaitAll ();
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