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URL consists of three parts: resource types, and storage resources of the host domain name, resource name, URL is uniform resource locator, location of can get resources from the Internet and access methods of a concise, said is standard resource in the Internet address, every file on the Internet has a unique URL, it is pointed out that the position of the file, and information contained in the browser should be how to deal with it,
The general syntax format for URL (with square brackets [] is optional) : protocol://hostname [: port]/path/[; the parameters]? [query] # fragments
Extended information:
1, protocol (protocol) : specify the use of transport protocol, the effective scheme of the table below lists the protocol attribute names, the most commonly used is the HTTP protocol, it is also the most widely used in the current WWW protocol,
2, the hostname (host name) : refers to the server storage resources of the domain name system (DNS) host name or IP address, sometimes in front of the host name can also contains the user name and password to connect to the server need (format: username: password @ the hostname),
3, port (port) : an integer, optional, use the default port, omit the various transport protocol has the default port number, such as HTTP the default port is 80, if omitted when the input, use the default port number, sometimes for safety or other reasons, can undertake redefine ports on the server, using the standard port, at this point, the URL can't omit port this item,
4, the path (path) : separated by zero or more "/" symbol strings, commonly used to represent a directory or file on the host address,
5, the parameters (parameters) : this option is used to specify the specific parameters,
6, query (query) : optional, used to dynamic web pages (such as the use of CGI, ISAPI, PHP/JSP/ASP/ASP, NET technology making, web pages) pass parameters, can have multiple parameters, using "& amp;" Symbols, names and values of each parameter is separated, with a "=" symbol
7, fragments, fragments of information) : string, is used to specify the fragments of the network resources, such as a web page have more than one noun explanation, fragments can be used directly positioning to a noun explanation,