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how to load every second number into registers using the instruction LODSB


I have a code where I find the sum of 10 numbers from the numbers table. How can I find the correct sum of every other number? Do you need to somehow work with lodsb to load eax every second number into EAX? Or do you still need to do something with the add instruction?


    mov esi, OFFSET numbers ; in `numbers` i have 10 numbers
    mov edi, esi
    mov ecx, 10
    push ecx
        lodsb ; here i add each digit in turn to the `eax` register
        add sum, eax ; here i summarize the numbers
    pop ecx
    loop myLoop
    mov eax, sum

CodePudding user response:

I have a code where I find the sum of 10 numbers from the numbers table.

An array of bytes

Assuming your code is correct for summing these 10 numbers, the only thing missing is zeroing the EAX register beforehand. That's not something that LODSB is going to do!

  mov  esi, OFFSET numbers
  mov  ecx, 10
  xor  eax, eax
  add  sum, eax
  loop myLoop
  mov  eax, sum

Only summing every second byte

  mov  esi, OFFSET numbers
  mov  ecx, 10 / 2 ; Half
  xor  eax, eax
  inc  esi         ; Skip (or use an extra LODSB here)
  add  sum, eax
  dec  ecx
  jnz  myLoop
  mov  eax, sum

An array of dwords

The LODSB instruction does not load the whole number. Use LODSD.

  mov  esi, OFFSET numbers
  mov  ecx, 10
  add  sum, eax
  loop myLoop
  mov  eax, sum

Only summing every second dword

  mov  esi, OFFSET numbers
  mov  ecx, 10 / 2 ; Half
  add  esi, 4      ; Skip (or use an extra LODSD here)
  add  sum, eax
  dec  ecx
  jnz  myLoop
  mov  eax, sum

Similar to what @Jester suggested.

  mov  ecx, (10 / 2) - 1
  add  eax, [numbers   ecx * 8   4]
  dec  ecx
  jns  myLoop
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