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For help! About the mahout based on Hadoop cluster computing problems


Rookie a himself, trying to build in a virtual machine under distributed environment, run the mahout kmeans algorithm,
Data files stored in the test. TXT, converts the data to List , and then through writePointsToFile () into sequenceFile
Problem is that this seems to TXT size have certain limit, the data files can run 10 m, 100 m data transformation seems to have not come over... .

How can I change to let it run more large data file???????
Please answer, thank you!!!!!!

Public class Kmeans {

Public static List FileToVector FileInputStream (fs) throws IOException {
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (fs));
String readLine=null;
List Points=new ArrayList (a);
Double [] data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new double [20].
While ((readLine=br. ReadLine ())!=null) {
String [] point=readLine. Split (" ");
For (int j=0; j<20; J++)
Data [j]=Double. ParseDouble (point) [j];

//double [] fr=data;
The Vector vec=new RandomAccessSparseVector (data. Length);
Vec. Assign (data);
Points. The add (vec);
Br. The close ();
Return points;

Public static void writePointsToFile (List Points,
The String fileName,
FileSystem fs,
The Configuration conf) throws IOException {
Path the Path=new Path (fileName);

//SequenceFile. Writer (FileSystem, the Configuration, the Path, the key getClass (), the value. The getClass ())
SequenceFile. Writer Writer=new SequenceFile. Writer (fs, the conf,
Path, LongWritable. Class, VectorWritable. Class);
Long recNum=0;
VectorWritable vec=new VectorWritable ();
For (Vector point: points) {
Vec. Set (point);
Writer. Append (new LongWritable (recNum++), vec);

Writer. The close ();
Public static void main (String args []) throws the Exception {

FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream (" E: \ \ Users \ \ ZZS \ \ Desktop \ \ results \ \ new - data \ \ test. TXT ");
System. SetProperty (" HADOOP_USER_NAME ", "root");
Int k=4;
List Vectors=FileToVector (fis);
//List Vectors=getPoints (points);

The File testData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new File (" clustering/testData ");
if (! TestData. The exists ()) {
TestData. The mkdir ();
TestData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new File (" clustering/testData/points ");
if (! TestData. The exists ()) {
TestData. The mkdir ();

The Configuration conf=new Configuration ();
FileSystem fs=FileSystem. Get (conf);
//has resulted in a store can be mahout recognition vector file1 file
WritePointsToFile (vectors, "clustering/testdata/points/file1", fs, the conf);

Path Path=new Path (" clustering/testdata/clusters/part - 00000 ");

SequenceFile. Writer Writer=new SequenceFile. Writer (fs, the conf, path, the Text. The class, gathering. The class).

for (int i=0; i //int n=(int) (Math. The random () * points in length).
The Vector vec=vectors. The get (I);
Gathering cluster=new gathering (vec, I, new EuclideanDistanceMeasure ());//using Euclidean distance to measure the distance between two points
Writer. Append (new Text (cluster getIdentifier ()), cluster);
Writer. The close ();
KMeansDriver. Run (conf.
The new Path (" clustering/testdata/points "),//inputPath
The new Path (" clustering/testdata/clusters "),//ClusterPath
The new Path (" clustering/output "),//OutputPath
Convergence coefficient of 0.001,//convergenceDelta

SequenceFile. Reader Reader=new SequenceFile. Reader (fs,
New Path (" clustering/output/" + "clusteredPoints" + "/part - m - 0"), the conf);

The File f2=new File (" E: \ \ results \ \ hadoop \ \ kmeans ");
PrintStream ps=new PrintStream (f2 getPath ());
//PrintStream Console=System. Out;
System. SetOut (ps);

IntWritable key=new IntWritable ();

WeightedPropertyVectorWritable value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new WeightedPropertyVectorWritable ();
//ClusterWritable value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new ClusterWritable ();
While (reader. Next (key, value)) {
System. The out. Println (value. The toString () + "belongs to cluster" + key. The toString ());
Ps. The close ();
Reader. The close ();



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