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NoClassDefFoundError: scala/IO/Source



Import the Java. IO. PrintWriter
The import java.net.ServerSocket

The import scala. IO. Source

/* *
* Created by Administrator on 2017/5/17.
The object SaleDeviceSimulation {

Def main (args: Array [String])={
If (args. Length! {
=3)System. Err. Println (" the Usage: & lt; Filename> " )
System. The exit (1)

Val filename=args (0)
Val lines=Source. FromFile (filename) getLines. ToList
Val filerow=lines. Length

Uploaded to the CentOS after packaging, use Java - run the classpath, error

NoClassDefFoundError: scala/IO/Source

When package contains the scala - SDK - 2.10.5, but also installed on CentOS scala - SDK - 2.10.5, how didn't the class?
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