import org. Apache. Spark. SparkConf;
The import org. Apache. Spark. API. Java. JavaRDD;
The import org. Apache. Spark. API. Java. JavaSparkContext;
The import org. Apache. Spark. API. Java. The function. The function;
Import org. Apache. Spark. API. Java function. Function2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
/* *
* Computes an approximation to PI
* Usage: JavaSparkPi [slices]
Public final class RemoteDebug {
Public static void main (String [] args) throws the Exception {
SparkConf SparkConf=new SparkConf (). SetAppName (" JavaSparkPi ")
SetMaster (" spark:// ")
SetJars (new String [] {" D: \ \ * * * * \ \ workspace \ \ SparkRemoteDebug \ \ out \ \ artifacts \ \ SparkRemoteDebug_jar \ \ SparkRemoteDebug jar "});
JavaSparkContext JSC=new JavaSparkContext (sparkConf);
//JSC. AddJar (" D: \ \ * * * \ \ workspace \ \ SparkRemoteDebug \ \ out \ \ artifacts \ \ SparkRemoteDebug_jar \ \ SparkRemoteDebug jar ");
Int slices=(args. The length==1)? Integer. ParseInt (args [0]) : 2;
Int n=100000 * slices;
ListL=new ArrayList (n);
for (int i=0; iL.A. dd (I);
JavaRDDThe dataSet=JSC. Parallelize (l, slices);
Int count=dataSet. The map ((Function) The integer - & gt; {
Double x=Math. The random () * 2-1;
Double y=Math. The random () * 2-1;
Return (x * x + y * y & lt; 1)? 1:0;
}). Reduce ((Function2 & lt; Integer, Integer, Integer>) (integer, integer2) - & gt; The integer + integer2);
System. Out. Println (" Pi is roughly "+ 4.0 * count/n);
JSC. Stop ();
55:15 WARN Utils: Service 'SparkUI could not bind on port 4040. Attempting the port 4041.
16/08/24 12:55:15 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'SparkUI on port 4041.
16/08/24 12:55:15 INFO SparkUI: Started SparkUI at
16/08/24 12:55:15 INFO HttpFileServer: HTTP File server directory is C: \ Users \ lw_co \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ spark - a3786942 - b296 afc6a575b6 \ HTTPD ab - 4123-99-68-6 b1db50c dbe - 6184-4-91 c5-477710823 b53
16/08/24 12:55:15 INFO HttpServer: Starting the HTTP Server
16/08/24 12:55:15 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'HTTP file server on port 2115.
16/08/24 12:55:15 INFO SparkContext: Added the JAR D: \ jiuzhouwork \ workspace \ SparkRemoteDebug \ out \ artifacts \ SparkRemoteDebug_jar \ SparkRemoteDebug JAR at with the timestamp 1472014515970
16/08/24 12:55:16 INFO AppClient $ClientEndpoint: Connecting to master the spark://
16/08/24 12:55:16 ERROR TransportClient: Failed to send 6246311634782781203 to/RPC Java. Lang. AbstractMethodError: work. Protocol. MessageWithHeader. Touch (Ljava/lang/Object) Compared/netty/util/ReferenceCounted;
Java. Lang. AbstractMethodError: work. Protocol. MessageWithHeader. Touch (Ljava/lang/Object) Compared/netty/util/ReferenceCounted;
At, ty. Util. ReferenceCountUtil. Touch (ReferenceCountUtil. Java: 73)
At, ty. Channel. DefaultChannelPipeline. Touch (DefaultChannelPipeline. Java: 107)
At, ty. Channel. AbstractChannelHandlerContext. Write (AbstractChannelHandlerContext. Java: 796)
At, ty. Channel. AbstractChannelHandlerContext. Write (AbstractChannelHandlerContext. Java: 709)
At, ty. Handler. Codec. MessageToMessageEncoder. Write (MessageToMessageEncoder. Java: 111)
At, ty. Channel. AbstractChannelHandlerContext. InvokeWrite0 (AbstractChannelHandlerContext. Java: 724)
Which is suitable for the local IP is not set on a cluster of IP, for what, nan Ming set up
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Solve the building Lord, I remote server debugging, encountered the same problemCodePudding user response: