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Red5 + FFMpeg push video streaming solution
1. Install the JDK. The specific process is no longer the only need to pay attention to the latest version of Red5 need to install JDK8,
2. Download and install the Red5 server unzip the files don't have any Chinese path, modify the Red5 under the conf. Properties configuration file (main modify the HTTP and RTMP IP and port)
3. Start red5 service
On Windows to perform Red5. Bat, on Linux execution Red5. Sh can start,
4. Start red5 input validation preview red. The properties to configure IP: port (5080 by default)
5. Install ffmpeg
1. Download ffmpeg - 4.4.1 - win64 -shared, unzip
2. Configure the environment variable path: C: \ Setup \ ffmpeg \ ffmpegshared \ ffmpeg \ bin (physical address), called "ffmpeg command line (CMD) input -
Version ", if appear the following configuration is successful,
6. Push streaming RTSP to RTMP
Enter the command CMD:
Ffmpeg -i "RTSP://admin: 12345 @ The channel=1 & amp; Subtype=0 "-f FLV - r 25 s 640 x480 - an

The RTSP://admin: 12345 @ The channel=1 & amp; Subtype=0 for video streaming out of the NVR address,
RTMP:// to push to address validation: open network flow in the VLC or Potplay play this address
(RTMP:// oflaDemo/hello),

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