Home > other >  How to get the complete Digital signature info's of files containing in multiple sub folders
How to get the complete Digital signature info's of files containing in multiple sub folders


I am absolute beginner in coding, My question is how can i retrieve complete details of Digital Certificate of files containing in multiple sub folders(export to csv). With little help from google, i found below powershell code which suffice this for a single file.

get-childitem C:\Windows\notepad.exe | Get-AuthenticodeSignature  |Format-List

I am having 300 files (exe/DLLS) in multiple sub folders. What i what

  • Fetch the details for all the files including files in sub folders.
  • Export the details to csv. csv Format

    Then you could try the following script:

    EDIT: Removed the System.Array as per Santiago.

    # Make an array containing all FilePaths by importing the .csv file to a variable
    $Files = (Import-Csv C:\Path\To\Import.csv).FilePath
    # Run the script for each $File in the $Files array
    $AllFilesExport = ForEach($File in $Files) {
        # Get the information you want about the file
        $FileInfo = Get-ChildItem $File | Get-AuthenticodeSignature
        # Specify the Column name (left) and what data it should have in it (right)
            'SignerCertificate:Subject' = $FileInfo.SignerCertificate.Subject
            'SignerCertificate: Issuer' = $FileInfo.SignerCertificate.Issuer
            'SignerCertificate: Serial Number' = $FileInfo.SignerCertificate.SerialNumber
            'SignerCertificate: Not Before' = $FileInfo.SignerCertificate.NotBefore
            'SignerCertificate: Not After' = $FileInfo.SignerCertificate.NotAfter
            'SignerCertificate: Thumbprint' = $FileInfo.SignerCertificate.Thumbprint
            'TimeStamperCertificate: Subject' = $FileInfo.TimeStamperCertificate.Subject
            'TimeStamperCertificate: Issuer' = $FileInfo.TimeStamperCertificate.Issuer
            'TimeStamperCertificate: Serial Number' = $FileInfo.TimeStamperCertificate.SerialNumber
            'TimeStamperCertificate: Not Before' = $FileInfo.TimeStamperCertificate.NotBefore
            'TimeStamperCertificate: Not After' = $FileInfo.TimeStamperCertificate.NotAfter
            'TimeStamperCertificate: Thumbprint' = $FileInfo.TimeStamperCertificate.Thumbprint
            'Status' = $FileInfo.Status
            'StatusMessage' = $FileInfo.StatusMessage
            'Path' = $FileInfo.Path
    # Export all of the file information from the AllFileExport array into an export .csv file
    $AllFilesExport | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation C:\Path\To\Export.csv
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