The original case is based on Unity4, what I use is Unity5
Line # 70 and # 89 error, the reason is jumpMaterial is not defined, to be honest I don't understand why this code to this design, ask tall person to give directions
using System. The Collections;
Using System. Collections. Generic;
Using UnityEngine;
Public class PlayController: MonoBehaviour {
Public bool isFacingRight=true;
Public bool isJumping=false;
Public bool isDoubleJumping=false;
Public bool isGrounded=false;
Public float jumpForce=650.0 f;
Public float maxSpeed=7.0 f;
Public Transform groundCheck;
Public LayerMask groundLayers;
Private float groundCheckRadius=0.2 f;
Private Animator anim.
Void awake () {
////Use this for initialization
//void the Start () {
//Update is called once per frame
Void the Update () {
If (Input. GetButtonDown (" Jump "))
If (isGrounded==true) {
This. GetComponentThis. GetComponent This. Anim. SetTrigger (" Jump ");
{} else if (isDoubleJumping==false)
This. GetComponentThis. GetComponent }
Private void FixedUpdate ()
IsGrounded=Physics2D. OverlapCircle
(groundCheck. Position, groundCheckRadius groundLayers);
PhysicsMaterial2D material.=this gameObject. GetComponent
If (isGrounded==true)
If (isGrounded==true & amp; & Material==this. JumpMaterial) {
CircleCollider2D collision.=this gameObject. GetComponentA collision. SharedMaterial=null;
A collision. Enabled=false;
A collision. Enabled=true;
Else if (isGrounded==false& & Enclosing gameObject. GetComponent{
CircleCollider2D collision.=this gameObject. GetComponentA collision. SharedMaterial=this. JumpMaterial;
A collision. Enabled=false;
A collision. Enabled=true;
Float move=Input. GetAxis (" Horizontal ");
This. GetComponentThis. Anim. SetFloat (" Speed ", Mathf. Abs (move));
If ((move & gt; 0.0 f & amp; & IsFacingRight==false) | | (move & lt; 0.0 f & amp; & IsFacingRight==true))
Flip ();
The catch (UnityException error) {
The Debug. LogError (error. The toString ());
Void Flip ()
IsFacingRight=! IsFacingRight;
Vector3 playerScale=transform. LocalScale;
PlayerScale. X=playerScale. * x - 1;
The transform. LocalScale=playerScale;
CodePudding user response:
You can't define jumpmaterial, must be an error