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Server difference at home and abroad


Domestic, quick speed, good stable defense, but the domain name need to put on record, you can buy the record domain name
Foreign words in general than the domestic, but the domain name does not need to put on record
This involves the problem of 80

Domestic server line difference between

General domestic rooms are divided into: telecommunications room, CNC machine room, mobile room,
Room as telecom equipment room is given priority to with telecommunication lines, and so on, domestic telecom room now is more, followed by netcom, pure is given priority to with mobile line less room, so less mobile room,
In general, south to north telecom netcom,
Domestic roughly divided into three lines: telecom, netcom, mobile,

With the telecom room for example, single line default is telecom, double line is telecom + netcom, netcom, telecommunications + + three lines for mobile, are generally much more lines for IP, a line a IP, namely a few lines of a few IP, but BGP is really a special case, although contains three lines, but it is only one IP, suitable for parsing only one IP and the request line in the number of APP, so the price will be more expensive
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