Home > other >  Docker containers install ambari centos7, deploy hadoop cluster, start the DataNode, be Permission d
Docker containers install ambari centos7, deploy hadoop cluster, start the DataNode, be Permission d


I in Docker containers install ambari centos7, then deploy hadoop cluster, when to start the DataNode met this error message
"Execution of ambari - sudo. Sh su HDFS - l - s/bin/bash - c 'ulimit -c unlimited; The/usr/HDP/current/hadoop - client/sbin/hadoop - daemon. Sh - config/usr/HDP/current/hadoop - client/conf start datanode 'returned 1. Su: always open a session: Permission denied "
Is to switch to the HDFS users (su HDFS), is the Permission denied, please have a way to solve? Thank you very much!!!!!!
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