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SQL - must return 0 if GROUP_CONCAT value is null


I just want to not return any row if no result! I'm so null in sql that it depresses me, please help..

I have 2 tables with 1 association table :

shop table:

id name adress
1 name1 1 street..
2 name2 2 street..
3 name3 3 street..

activity table:

id title
1 Distribution
2 Importation
3 Préparation
4 Production

shop_activity association table:

shop_id activity_id
1 1
2 2
3 3
3 4

I found this request to concat activities:

    SELECT s.*, GROUP_CONCAT(a.title SEPARATOR ',') AS activities
    FROM shop s
    LEFT JOIN shop_activity sa
        ON s.id = sa.shop_id
    LEFT JOIN activity a
         ON sa.activity_id = a.id
    WHERE s.id = ?

and it does the job

id name adress activities
3 name3 3 street.. Production, Importation

but if s.id doesn't exist in table shop, currently I have this result:

id name adress activities

but I don't want any row if all is null to return a message, currently I make a condition on id column and I know that it isn't very clean!

CodePudding user response:

Try just join instead of LEFT:

SELECT s.*, GROUP_CONCAT(a.title SEPARATOR ',') AS activities
FROM shop s
JOIN shop_activity sa
    ON s.id = sa.shop_id
JOIN activity a
     ON sa.activity_id = a.id
WHERE s.id = ?

CodePudding user response:

I've found: just group by

SELECT s.*, GROUP_CONCAT(a.title SEPARATOR ',') AS activities
FROM shop s
LEFT JOIN shop_activity sa ON s.id = sa.shop_id
LEFT JOIN activity a ON sa.activity_id = a.id
WHERE s.id = ?
GROUP By s.id
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