Home > other >  Unity3D error cs0199, error cs1502, error cs1503 beg god give directions
Unity3D error cs0199, error cs1502, error cs1503 beg god give directions


My script is correct by the Java runtime error, the two have not solve, ask the great spirit show
If (Physics. Raycast (ray, out hit)) {
If (hit) starts. GameObject. Tag=="Finsih") {
Jiludian=Vector3 (hit) point) x, hit the point. The y + 0.5, hit the point. The z);

Transform. Rotation=Quaternion. Abbreviated as Slerp (transform. Rotation, targetRotation, Time deltaTime * 5.0);
Above is the wrong statement,
 using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections;

Public class zhy: MonoBehaviour {

Public GameObject CAM;
Public bool what zj had;
Public Vector3 jiludian;

Void the Start () {

Jiludian=the transform. The position;
What zj had=false;


Void the Update () {

{if (Input. GetMouseButtonDown (0))
Ray Ray=Camera. Main. ScreenPointToRay (Input. MousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;

If (Physics. Raycast (ray, out hit)) {
If (hit) starts. GameObject. Tag=="Finsih") {
Jiludian=Vector3 (hit) point) x, hit the point. The y + 0.5, hit the point. The z);
What zj had=true;




If (what zj had==true) {

Vector3 targetRotation=jiludian - transform. The position;
Quaternion ratation=Quaternion. LookRotation (targetRotation);
The transform. The rotation=ratation;
Transform. Rotation=Quaternion. Abbreviated as Slerp (transform. Rotation, targetRotation, Time deltaTime * 5.0);
The transform. Translate (Vector3. Forward * 10 * Time. DeltaTime);
The transform. The position=jiludian;
If ((Vector3. Short (the transform. The position, jiludian) & lt; {
The transform. Translate (Vector3. Forward * 0);
What zj had=false;


CodePudding user response:

The two Numbers, a decimal point behind the Numbers of the add a f

CodePudding user response:

C # float float data, such as: 0.5 - & gt; Written in 0.5 f

In addition jiludian= new Vector3 (hit) point) x, hit the point. The y + 0.5 f, hit the point. The z);

The transform. The rotation=Quaternion. Abbreviated as Slerp (transform) rotation, new Quaternion (targetRotation. X, targetRotation. J y, targetRotation. J z, 0) and Time. The deltaTime * 5.0 f); This is not a Vector3 type, want to pass the Quaternion type, so it depends on what you will, I just write a,
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