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Form event procedure not moving to last record


I am experiencing some odd behavior from a form I am creating in an access database. I have a form called frmSeedling with a subform called frmSeedling detail. frmSeedling gets launched by an event procedure from a command button on a separate form called frmTransect. The OpenArgs passes the primary key of frmTransect called Transect_OID to frmSeedling. Transect_OID is the link field between frmSeedling and frmSeedlingDetail. I have a Form_Current event procedure in frmSeedling to count the number of unique entries on frmSeedling, and create a custom unique id called Seedling_OID. The tables that are the record source for these forms are linked ODBC tables. Below is the code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
If Not (rs.EOF) Then
End If
Set rs = Nothing
If IsNull(Seedling_OID) Then
Entry_No = Nz(DCount("Seedling_OID", "rd_Seedling", "Transect_OID = '" & Me.Transect_OID & "'"), 0)   1
Seedling_OID = Transect_OID & "SD" & Entry_No
End If
End Sub

However, when I launch frmSeedling from frmTransect, I get an error saying I am trying to overwrite the primary key. When I look at the form, this is happening because somehow Access is try to create a new record at the beginning of the form instead of the end of the form, thus thinking that the unique Id I have: created has already been used. Here is a screenshot to show what I mean:

enter image description here

What is curious is that with a separate form called frmDWD with subform frmDWDdetail, I have used this exact setup and it worked fine. Here is the code from frmDWDdetail:

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
If Not (rs.EOF) Then
End If
Set rs = Nothing
If IsNull(DWD_OID) Then
DWD_Piece = Nz(DCount("DWD_OID", "rd_DWD", "Transect_OID = '" & Me.Transect_OID & "'"), 0)   1
DWD_OID = Transect_OID & "W" & DWD_Piece
End If
End Sub

And here is what that looks like:

enter image description here

Notice how in frmDWD, the record being edited is the last record in the form, while in frmSeedling it is trying to edit the first record in the form. I have set all of the data properties exactly the same in both form and subform, and at least to my eye the code looks identical. Any SQL reasons why I am getting this behavior? Any ideas for fixes? Thanks!!

CodePudding user response:

After hours of playing "Which-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other" I discovered that the issue was in the property sheet of the subform. I switched "Filter on Empty Master" from "Yes" to "No" and that solved my issue.

CodePudding user response:

You are not using the recordset for anything, so try this reduced code:

Private Sub Form_Current()

    Dim Entry_No As Long

    If IsNull(Me!Seedling_OID.Value) Then
        Entry_No = Nz(DCount("*", "rd_Seedling", "Transect_OID = '" & Me!Transect_OID.Value & "'"), 0)   1
        Me!Seedling_OID.Value = Me!Transect_OID.Value & "SD" & Entry_No
    End If

End Sub
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