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How to map a sub-array in Options into a Dictionary


My options in appsettings.json look like this:

  "ApplicationSettings": {
    "Value1": "abc",
    "Value2": 5,
    "MaxDOP": [
        "Region": "A",
        "ThreadCount": 20
        "Region": "B",
        "ThreadCount": 30

I inject it as usual:


The problem for me is how to map the MaxDOP array so that it will maintain the up-to-date sync via IOptionsMonitor<>. debug info

Solution 2: Include dictionary into main settings POCO

Change the signature of MaxDOP from list to dictionary:


"ApplicationSettings": {
    "Value1": "abc",
    "Value2": 5,
    "MaxDOP": {
      "A": {
        "ThreadCount": 20
      "B": {
        "ThreadCount": 30

Poco classes:

public class ApplicationSettings
    public string Value1 { get; set; }
    public int Value2 { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, Dop> MaxDOP { get; set; }

public class Dop
    public int ThreadCount { get; set; }




public HomeController(IOptionsMonitor<ApplicationSettings> monitor)
    _monitor = monitor;
    ApplicationSettings a = _monitor.CurrentValue;

debug info

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