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Vscode debug, debug console output; Crawler access labels can't see the child tags, how to solv


 import re 
The from urllib import request
The from IO import BytesIO
The import gzip
# the crawler purpose is clear, the host popularity ranking
# in the Google browser to find information about HTML F12 now, click the first option element
# to find the number of HTML information, small arrow, hovering in the number of
# 1 number 2 the name of the host need to grab the information
# to simulate HTTP request, send the request to the server, access to the server returns to our HTML
# use regular expressions to extract we need data (name, sentiment)
The # VScode debugging code

The class spiders () :
Root_pattern='& lt; Div & gt; ([\ s \ s] *?
#? Said not greed, \ s \ s says there are characters, * means to match zero or infinite times

Def __fetch_content (self) :
R=request. Urlopen (spiders. Url)
# private method
# bytes
HTMLS=r.r ead ()
Buff=BytesIO (HTMLS)
F=gzip. GzipFile (fileobj=buff)
HTMLS=f.r ead (). The decode (' utf-8)
Return HTMLS

Def __analysis (self, HTMLS) :
Root_html=re. The.findall (spiders. Root_pattern HTMLS)
Print (root_html [0])

Def go (self) :
# entry method
HTMLS=self. __fetch_content ()
Self. __analysis (HTMLS)

Spiders=spiders ()
Spiders. The go ()
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