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How to map through an array of values of a single prop in an array of objects in React?


I was earlier using map() to loop through values of a single prop within an object.

const Content = (p)=>{
  const {parts} =p
  return (    
        <Part key={item.id} part={item.name} exercise={item.exercises}/>  

Now the object is expanded to an array of objects, how will I loop through my values still?

const course = [
      name:'Half Stack application development',
      parts: [
          name:'Fundamentals of React',
          exercises: 10,
          id: 1
          name:'Using props to pass data',
          id: 2
          name:'State of a component',
          id: 3
    name: 'Node.js',
    id: 2,
    parts: [
        name: 'Routing',
        exercises: 3,
        id: 1
        name: 'Middlewares',
        exercises: 7,
        id: 2

Am I supposed to use a map inside of a map, if yes then how should I implement it?

CodePudding user response:

you can nest loops.

           items.parts.map((p)=><Part key={p.id} part={p.name} exercise= 
           {p.exercises}/> )

CodePudding user response:

There are many approaches, one being:

Simply create an array of JSX elements, before your return statement. Render that array directly. Here is a simple exmaple with a p tag. You can use your own component:

import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
  const course = [
      name:'Half Stack application development',
      parts: [
          name:'Fundamentals of React',
          exercises: 10,
          id: 1
          name:'Using props to pass data',
          id: 2
          name:'State of a component',
          id: 3
    name: 'Node.js',
    id: 2,
    parts: [
        name: 'Routing',
        exercises: 3,
        id: 1
        name: 'Middlewares',
        exercises: 7,
        id: 2

let comp = [];
course.forEach((p) => {
  comp = [comp, ...(p.parts).map((item)=> 
  <p key={item.id}>{item.name}</p>
return (    


CodePudding user response:

A short approach is to use flatMap in conjunction with map:

    course.flatMap(el1 => el1.parts.map(el2 =>
        <Part key={el2.id} part={el2.name} exercise={el2.exercises} />
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