I have a ListBox that I fill with custom objects, these objects have the following properties as seen below:
Public Class VariableClass
Public Property Content As String
Public Property myNameLabel As New Label
Public Property myNameTextBox As New ComboBox
Public Property myTypeLabel As New Label
Public Property myTypeTextBox As New ComboBox
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Content.ToString()
End Function
End Class
When the user clicks on any of the custom objects, the properties of the custom objects that are WPF controls are pragmatically created in a stackpanel.
I do it like this:
If Flowchart.SelectedItem.GetType.Name = "VariableClass" Then
SetLabelProperties(Flowchart.SelectedItem.myNameLabel, "Name:", "25", LabelPanel.Width, HorizontalAlignment.Center)
SetLabelProperties(Flowchart.SelectedItem.myTypeLabel, "Type:", "25", LabelPanel.Width, HorizontalAlignment.Center)
SetComboBoxProperties(Flowchart.SelectedItem.myNameTextBox, Flowchart.SelectedItem.myNameTextBox.Text, "25", ValuePanel.Width, VerticalContentAlignment.Center, True, True)
SetComboBoxProperties(Flowchart.SelectedItem.myTypeTextBox, Flowchart.SelectedItem.myTypeTextBox.Text, "25", ValuePanel.Width, VerticalContentAlignment.Center, True, True)
End if
The functions:
Function SetLabelProperties(myLabel As Label, myName As String, myHeight As String, myWidth As String, myHorizontalAlignment As HorizontalAlignment)
myLabel.Content = myName
myLabel.Height = myHeight
myLabel.Width = myWidth
myLabel.HorizontalContentAlignment = myHorizontalAlignment
End Function
Function SetComboBoxProperties(myComboBox As ComboBox, myName As String, myHeight As String, myWidth As String, myVerticalAlignment As VerticalAlignment, Editable As Boolean, SearchEnabled As Boolean)
myComboBox.IsEditable = Editable
myComboBox.IsTextSearchEnabled = SearchEnabled
myComboBox.Text = myName
myComboBox.Height = myHeight
myComboBox.Width = myWidth
myComboBox.VerticalContentAlignment = myVerticalAlignment
Dim myDouble As Double = 0
Dim myStatic As ResourceKey = SystemParameters.VerticalScrollBarWidthKey
myComboBox.Resources.Add(myStatic, myDouble)
End Function
Function SetTextBoxProperties(myTextBox As TextBox, myName As String, myHeight As String, myWidth As String, myVerticalAlignment As VerticalAlignment)
myTextBox.Text = myName
myTextBox.Height = myHeight
myTextBox.Width = myWidth
myTextBox.VerticalContentAlignment = myVerticalAlignment
End Function
Function AddPropertiesInStackPanel(myObject As Object)
Dim info() As PropertyInfo = myObject.GetType().GetProperties()
For Each item In info
Dim myElementSplit = Split(item.PropertyType.FullName, ".")(UBound(Split(item.PropertyType.FullName, ".")))
If myElementSplit = "Label" Then
LabelPanel.Children.Add(New Separator With {.Height = 1, .Opacity = 0})
ElseIf myElementSplit = "ComboBox" Then
ValuePanel.Children.Add(New Separator With {.Height = 1, .Opacity = 0})
ElseIf myElementSplit = "TextBox" Then
ValuePanel.Children.Add(New Separator With {.Height = 1, .Opacity = 0})
End If
End Function
I have tried this event that triggers whenever the user types into a ComboBox in the stackpanel.
Private Sub ValuePanel_PreviewKeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles ValuePanel.PreviewKeyDown
Dim myElement = e.OriginalSource
Dim myVar = GetValue(myElement).GetType().GetProperty("PropertyName")
End Sub
But myElement is not a DependencyProperty and it cannot be cast to one.
CodePudding user response:
The control that raises the PreviewKeyDown
doesn't know which propery of your custom object it "came" from. You can however store this information in the Tag
property of the control, e.g.:
myNameTextBox.Tag = "myNameLabel"
...and then retrieve it in the event handler using this property:
Private Sub ValuePanel_PreviewKeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs)
Dim myElement = CType(e.OriginalSource, FrameworkElement)
Dim propertyName = myElement.Tag.ToString()
End Sub