I am trying to make the rowsource of a combobox the results of a loop statement.
Dim intDay As Date
For intDay = BegDate To EndDate
If Format(intDay, "ddd") = "Sat" Then
Debug.Print intDay
End If
Next intDay
The loop returns all Saturdays between a period. The dates are in a table field named WDATE so I wanted BegDate and EndDate to be something like Min(WDATE) and Max(WDATE)
CodePudding user response:
Never check literal weekdays or monthnames as these are localised.
Your loop could look:
Dim WeekdayDate As Date
For WeekdayDate = BegDate To EndDate
If Weekday(WeekdayDate) = vbSaturday Then
Debug.Print WeekdayDate
End If
However, such combo/listboxes can be better build using a little known gem of Access: Callback functions.
Study both simple and extended examples in my project:
The last example covers your case (and a bit more).