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Having a hard time indexing an array


I was trying to write a generic Heap_Sort procedure with similar specification to Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort (that is, with type Index_Type is (<>)) but I'm not sure if there's a good way of dealing with this type of index. If I constrain the Index_Type to Positive, it's not that big of a deal:

   type Element is private;
procedure Generic_Swap (Left, Right : in out Element);

procedure Generic_Swap (Left, Right : in out Element) is
   Buffer : constant Element := Left;
   Left := Right;
   Right := Buffer;
end Generic_Swap;

   type Element_Type is private;
   type Array_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Element_Type;
   with function ">" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
procedure Generic_Heap_Sort (Data : in out Array_Type);

procedure Generic_Heap_Sort (Data : in out Array_Type) is
   function Left_Heap_Index (Root : Positive) return Positive is
      (Root * 2 - Data'First   1);

   function Right_Heap_Index (Root : Positive) return Positive is
      (Root * 2 - Data'First   2);

   procedure Swap is new Generic_Swap (Element_Type);

   procedure Heap_Insert (Index, Heap_Last : in Positive) is
      Left  : constant Positive := Left_Heap_Index (Index);
      Right : constant Positive := Right_Heap_Index (Index);
      Swap_Index : Positive := Index;
      if Left <= Heap_Last and then Data (Left) > Data (Swap_Index) then
         Swap_Index := Left;
      end if;
      if Right <= Heap_Last and then Data (Right) > Data (Swap_Index) then
         Swap_Index := Right;
      end if;
      if Swap_Index /= Index then
         Swap (Data (Swap_Index), Data (Index));
         Heap_Insert (Swap_Index, Heap_Last);
      end if;
   end Heap_Insert;
   for Index in reverse Data'First .. (Data'Last - Data'First) / 2 loop
      Heap_Insert (Index, Data'Last);
   end loop;
   for Index in reverse Data'First   1 .. Data'Last loop
      Swap (Data (Data'First), Data (Index));
      Heap_Insert (Data'First, Index - 1);
   end loop;
end Generic_Heap_Sort;

But even then I have to take into account that not all arrays in Positive range <> start at 1 in Left_Heap_Index and Right_Heap_Index functions. Ideally I would like to treat any array parameter Data as a sequence of elements in range 1 .. Data'Length instead of -5 .. -3 or JAN, FEB, MAR, even if the array type is indexed by values of some discrete formal type (<>). Is it possible without defining a To_Index function that translates a System.Min_Int .. System.Max_Int integer representing a 1-based index to Index_Type, similar to the one used in GNAT implementation of Ada.Containers.Generic_Constrained_Array_Sort?

Just to clarify, the code below works but all the calls to Convert are exactly the stuff I'm trying to avoid.

   type Element_Type is private;
procedure Generic_Swap (Left, Right : in out Element_Type);

procedure Generic_Swap (Left, Right : in out Element_Type) is
   Buffer : constant Element_Type := Left;
   Left := Right;
   Right := Buffer;
end Generic_Swap;

   type Index_Type is (<>);
   type Element_Type is private;
   type Array_Type is array (Index_Type range <>) of Element_Type;
   with function ">" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
procedure Heap_Sort (Data : in out Array_Type);

procedure Heap_Sort (Data : in out Array_Type) is
   subtype Integer_Index is Positive;

   function Convert (Index : Index_Type) return Integer_Index is
      (Integer_Index'First   Index_Type'Pos (Index) - Index_Type'Pos (Data'First));

   function Convert (Index : Integer_Index) return Index_Type is
      (Index_Type'Val (Index_Type'Pos (Data'First)   Index - Integer_Index'First));

   procedure Swap is new Generic_Swap (Element_Type);

   procedure Heap_Insert (Index, Heap_Last : in Integer_Index) is
      Left_Heap  : constant Integer_Index := Index * 2 - Convert (Data'First)   1;
      Right_Heap : constant Integer_Index := Index * 2 - Convert (Data'First)   2;
      Swap_Index : Integer_Index := Index;
      if Left_Heap <= Heap_Last and then Data (Convert (Left_Heap)) > Data (Convert (Swap_Index)) then
         Swap_Index := Left_Heap;
      end if;
      if Right_Heap <= Heap_Last and then Data (Convert (Right_Heap)) > Data (Convert (Swap_Index)) then
         Swap_Index := Right_Heap;
      end if;
      if Swap_Index /= Index then
         Swap (Data (Convert (Swap_Index)), Data (Convert (Index)));
         Heap_Insert (Swap_Index, Heap_Last);
      end if;
   end Heap_Insert;
   for Index in reverse Convert (Data'First) .. (Convert (Data'Last) - Convert (Data'First)) / 2 loop
      Heap_Insert (Index, Convert (Data'Last));
   end loop;
   for Index in reverse Index_Type'Succ (Data'First) .. Data'Last loop
      Swap (Data (Data'First), Data (Index));
      Heap_Insert (Convert (Data'First), Convert (Index_Type'Pred (Index)));
   end loop;
end Heap_Sort;

CodePudding user response:

You might check out the attributes Pos and Val for discrete types. You can transform indexes to and from a 0 based integer position so you can do your math as you see fit and then convert back to an index_type value. Note that they are 0 indexed relative to the Index_Type as a whole, not the first element of the array, so you would still need to use 'First and 'Last to handle arrays that can start at any index, but you can also encapsulate this calculation into a function where you supply the numeric indexes you want your logic to use and convert using the Val aspect inside the function.

For example, if you wanted 1-indexed based indices for math, you could make a Swap procedure that is declared inside the Generic_Heap_Sort procedure like this:

   procedure Swap(L,R : Positive) is
        -- Use a -1 to adjust from 1-indexed indices to 0-indexed indices
        L_Index : constant Index_Type   := Index_Type'Val(L-1   Index_Type'Pos(Data'First));
        R_Index : constant Index_Type   := Index_Type'Val(R-1   Index_Type'Pos(Data'First));
        Buffer  : constant Element_Type := Data(L_Index);
        Data(L_Index) := Data(R_Index);
        Data(R_Index) := Buffer;
   end Swap;

And do yall your outside math in positives.

You can also check out 'Succ and 'Pred attributes to shortcuts to do 1 and -1 to your indexes without needing to convert inbetween.

See also:



CodePudding user response:

This is a fairly straightforward translation of your algorithm, translating

Root * 2 - Data'First   1


  (Index_Type'Pos (Root) * 2 - Index_Type'Pos (Data'First)   1)

(’Pos returns a zero-based integer corresponding to the input’s position in the enumeration, ’Val does the reverse).

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Gdi512 is

      type Element is private;
   procedure Generic_Swap (Left, Right : in out Element);

   procedure Generic_Swap (Left, Right : in out Element) is
      Buffer : constant Element := Left;
      Left := Right;
      Right := Buffer;
   end Generic_Swap;

      type Element_Type is private;
      type Index_Type is (<>);
      type Array_Type is array (Index_Type range <>) of Element_Type;
      with function ">" (Left, Right : Element_Type) return Boolean is <>;
   procedure Generic_Heap_Sort (Data : in out Array_Type);

   procedure Generic_Heap_Sort (Data : in out Array_Type) is

      function Left_Heap_Index (Root : Index_Type) return Index_Type is
           (Index_Type'Pos (Root) * 2 - Index_Type'Pos (Data'First)   1));

      function Right_Heap_Index (Root : Index_Type) return Index_Type is
           (Index_Type'Pos (Root) * 2 - Index_Type'Pos (Data'First)   2));

      procedure Swap is new Generic_Swap (Element_Type);

      procedure Heap_Insert (Index, Heap_Last : in Index_Type) is
         Left  : constant Index_Type := Left_Heap_Index (Index);
         Right : constant Index_Type := Right_Heap_Index (Index);
         Swap_Index : Index_Type := Index;
         if Left <= Heap_Last and then Data (Left) > Data (Swap_Index) then
            Swap_Index := Left;
         end if;
         if Right <= Heap_Last and then Data (Right) > Data (Swap_Index) then
            Swap_Index := Right;
         end if;
         if Swap_Index /= Index then
            Swap (Data (Swap_Index), Data (Index));
            Heap_Insert (Swap_Index, Heap_Last);
         end if;
      end Heap_Insert;

      for Index in reverse Data'First ..
          ((Index_Type'Pos (Data'Last) - Index_Type'Pos (Data'First)) / 2)
         Heap_Insert (Index, Data'Last);
      end loop;
      for Index in reverse Index_Type'Succ (Data'First) .. Data'Last loop
         Swap (Data (Data'First), Data (Index));
         Heap_Insert (Data'First, Index_Type'Pred (Index));
      end loop;
   end Generic_Heap_Sort;

   type Alpha is
     (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
      N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z);

   type Arry is array (Alpha range <>) of Integer;

   procedure Sort_Up is new Generic_Heap_Sort (Element_Type => Integer,
                                               Index_Type => Alpha,
                                               Array_Type => Arry);
   procedure Sort_Down is new Generic_Heap_Sort (Element_Type => Integer,
                                                 Index_Type => Alpha,
                                                 Array_Type => Arry,
                                                 ">" => "<");

   Data : Arry := (D => 9,
                   E => 8,
                   F => 7,
                   G => 6,
                   H => 5,
                   I => 4,
                   J => 3,
                   K => 2);

   Sort_Up (Data);
   for J in Data'Range loop
      Put_Line (J'Image & " " & Data (J)'Image);
   end loop;
   Sort_Down (Data);
   for J in Data'Range loop
      Put_Line (J'Image & " " & Data (J)'Image);
   end loop;
end Gdi512;

The output:

$ ./gdi512 
D  2
E  3
F  4
G  5
H  6
I  7
J  8
K  9

D  9
E  8
F  7
G  6
H  5
I  4
J  3
K  2
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