I am trying to change an array value thats inside of a function of my button. I want the first number in the array to change but can't seem to get it working
So i want my HTML to go from this:
<button onclick="skillUpgrade([50,5])">Upgrade your skill</button>
To this:
<button onclick="skillUpgrade([55,5])">Upgrade your skill</button>
Here is my javascript
function skillUpgrade(el) {
roundDown = Math.floor(money / el[0]);
if (memes >= el[0] * checkTimes) {
baseClicks = baseClicks (el[1] * checkTimes);
money = money - (el[0] * checkTimes);
newPrice = el[0] * 1.1;
el[0] = newPrice;
document.getElementById("moneyAmount").innerHTML = money;
CodePudding user response:
It is generally not a good idea to use inline event handlers. Here is a minimal reproducable example. It uses a data-attribute to store values within the button and event delegation to handle the button click.
document.addEventListener(`click`, handle);
function handle(evt) {
// do something if the click originated from button#upgradeSkill
if (evt.target.id === "upgradeSkill") {
const btn = evt.target;
const currentValue = btn.dataset.values.split(`,`)
// ^ convert values to Number
currentValue[0] = 5;
// reset the values
// note: the array is automatically converted back to string
btn.dataset.values = currentValue;
#upgradeSkill:after {
content: ' (current 'attr(data-values)')';
<button id="upgradeSkill" data-values="50,5">Upgrade your skills</button>