I'm making a toy language where I want to be able to do arithmetic operations on both Floats and Integers with the same constructors, like so (minimal example provided below).
data Expr a where
NumberConst :: Number a -> Expr (Number a)
Mul :: Expr (Number n) -> Expr (Number n) -> Expr (Number n)
data family Number :: * -> *
data instance Number Integer = NumInt Integer deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data instance Number Float = NumFloat Float deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class (Eq a, Ord a, Num a) => SquanchyNum a where
toDigit :: Number a -> a
divide :: Number a -> Number a -> a
mul :: Number a -> Number a -> a
sub :: Number a -> Number a -> a
add :: Number a -> Number a -> a
instance SquanchyNum Integer where
toDigit (NumInt x) = x
divide (NumInt x) (NumInt y) = x `div` y
mul (NumInt x) (NumInt y) = x * y
sub (NumInt x) (NumInt y) = x - y
add (NumInt x) (NumInt y) = x y
instance SquanchyNum Float where
toDigit (NumFloat x) = x
divide (NumFloat x) (NumFloat y) = x / y
mul (NumFloat x) (NumFloat y) = x * y
sub (NumFloat x) (NumFloat y) = x - y
add (NumFloat x) (NumFloat y) = x y
eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (NumberConst a) = a
eval (Mul a b) = (eval a) `mul` (eval b) <-- this line makes the problem visible
in ghci I get the following error
*Main> :r
[2 of 3] Compiling Lib ( /home/michael/git/brokensquanchy/src/Lib.hs,
interpreted )
/home/michael/git/brokensquanchy/src/Lib.hs:45:18: error:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: n ~ Number n
Expected type: a
Actual type: n
• In the expression: (eval a) `mul` (eval b)
In an equation for ‘eval’: eval (Mul a b) = (eval a) `mul` (eval b)
• Relevant bindings include
b :: Expr (Number n)
(bound at /home/michael/git/brokensquanchy/src/Lib.hs:45:13)
a :: Expr (Number n)
(bound at /home/michael/git/brokensquanchy/src/Lib.hs:45:11)
45 | eval (Mul a b) = (eval a) `mul` (eval b)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, one module loaded.
however when I try the following in ghci by hand it works
(eval (NumberConst (NumInt 6))) `mul` (eval (NumberConst (NumInt 2)))
This leads me to believe I am not providing enough detail in my type signature for eval. What's the solution?
Edit - I don't think I'm either approaching this problem correctly or explaining it clearly.
Addressing luqui's question
You are already marking the type with the
-- you can deduce from the type which constructor it will be -- the constructor does nothing for you. Why not banishNumber a
from this source file, just replacing it witha
Okay, let's do that with NumberConst
data Expr a where
NumberConst :: a -> Expr a
Now I can do this
:t NumberConst ("bad code")
NumberConst ("bad code") :: Expr [Char]
I don't want to be able to do that.
So, I need a way to (1) enforce that my arithmetic constructors can only have an Int
or a Float
(2) avoid duplicate constructors, one for both Int and Float. I should be able to use arithmetic constructors on either Int
or Float
. (3) be able to know if it's an Int
or a Float
so that I can handle division.
A data family plus type class is the way I thought to be able to accomplish that. If that's not necessary, I'm all for a simpler approach. I just don't know what that is.
CodePudding user response:
Okay, let's do that with NumberConst
Now I can do thisdata Expr a where
NumberConst :: a -> Expr aI don't want to be able to do that.:t NumberConst ("bad code") NumberConst ("bad code") :: Expr [Char]
I see. Here we're running a bit into a philosophical question: what is the point of strong types? Many programmers will say, to reject malformed programs. That's certainly an advantage, but Haskell has long followed the direction of what Simon Peyton Jones calls sexy types: a type signature should never just forbid things, but rather guide you so the program is automatically correct.
In other words, restricting what types can be in NumberConst
just for the sake of preventing NumberConst "bad code"
is not sexy. Instead, you should just require the property that is actually needed. That doesn't require any data families, just simply a typeclass. It seems you basically just require Num
/ Fractional
, except with a division that doubles as div
for integral and /
for floating types. (Which is maybe not such a good idea BTW, but let's go with it.)
class Num a => Divisible a where
divide :: a -> a -> a
instance Divisible Int where divide = div
instance Divisible Float where divide = (/)
data Expr a where
NumberConst :: Divisible a => a -> Expr a
Mul :: Expr n -> Expr n -> Expr n
This constraint is enough to prove that every non-infinite Expr a
fulfills Divisible a
. When you implement eval
you'll find that GHC refuses to acknowledge that. As a solution you can either simply add the constraint also to Mul
Mul :: Divisible n => Expr n -> Expr n -> Expr n
...which is strictly speaking redundant, but that may not matter; or you can implement a helper function in continuation-passing style that extracts the proof from the expression:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
evalCPS :: Expr a -> (Divisible a => a -> r) -> r
evalCPS (NumberConst n) q = q n
evalCPS (Mul x y) q = x `evalCPS` \x' -> q $ x' * eval y
eval :: Expr a -> a
eval = evalCPS id
(3) be able to know if it's an
or aFloat
so that I can handle division.
The above solution doesn't do that. In fact, anybody could add more instances later on. If you don't want that, if you really want to allow only Int
and Float
exactly and want to be able to find out which one it is, then I'd suggest you do use separate constructors, but only for the constants:
data Expr a where
IntConst :: Int -> Expr Int
FloatConst :: Float -> Expr Float
Mul :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
Now, you can again use a CPS version of eval
which allows for different continuation depending on whether it's Int
or Float
evalCPSMono :: Expr a -> (Int -> r) -> (Float -> r) -> r
evalCPSMono (IntConst i) qI _ = qI i
evalCPSMono (FloatConst w) _ qF = qF w
evalCPSMono (Mul x y) qI qF
= evalCPSMono x (\x' -> qI $ x' * eval y)
(\x' -> qF $ x' * eval y)
Alternatively, you could express the restriction to exactly two types with a closed type family.
type NumberAllower a where
NumberAllower Int = Int
NumberAllower Float = Float
NumberAllower a = Void
data Expr a where
NumberConst :: NumberAllower a -> Expr a
This prevents anybody from writing NumberConst "bad code"
. But what it does not do is letting you find out what particular type is contained in an Expr
. You'd end up having to require that manually from the outside anyway. Not sexy.
An alternative that still has only a single NumberConst
constructor, but does let you obtain the exact type, is this (which is perhaps what you tried to write in the first place):
data Number a where
It'sInt :: Int -> Number Int
It'sFloat :: Float -> Number Float
data Expr a where
NumberConst :: Number a -> Expr a
Mul :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
This is in practice