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Weighted Average to combine data into one row


I am trying to achieve weighted average data in single row. This is what my current data look like

Name Position Id score1 score2 list lastName
ABC POS1 12345 10 20 2 YUI
ABC POS2 12345 20 10 5 YUI
ABC POS3 12345 20 30 7 YUI
ABC POS4 12345 10 50 2 YUI
XYZ POS1 67890 5 10 5 OPR
XYZ POS2 67890 30 20 3 OPR
XYZ POS3 67890 40 40 1 OPR
XYZ POS4 67890 20 10 2 OPR

Desire output should be like below

Name Position Id score1 score2 list lastName
ABC POS1, POS2, PO3, POS4 12345 17.5 25 16 YUI
XYZ POS1, POS2, PO3, POS4 67890 17.72 15.45 11 OPR

Score1 is calculated as sum(score1 * list/ sum(list)) based on id

For ABC (ID 12345) Score1= 10*(2/16) 20*(5/16) 20*(7/16) 10*(2/16) = 17.5

Score2= 20*(2/16) 10*(5/16) 30*(7/16) 50*(2/16) = 25

List = 2 5 7 2 = 16

For XYZ(ID 67890) Score1= 5*(5/11) 30*(3/11) 40*(1/11) 20*(2/11) = 17.72

Score2= 10*(5/11) 20*(3/11) 40*(1/11) 10*(2/11) = 15.45

List = 5 3 1 2 = 11

Position data are string aggregate of different positions. Position data are not same always, it could be 4 rows for one and 2 rows for other.

Any help would be really great, thank you!

CodePudding user response:

On SQL Server 2017 or greater:

  Position = STRING_AGG(Position, ', '), 
  Score1 = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), SUM(Score1 * 1.0 * list) / SUM(list)), 
  Score2 = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), SUM(Score2 * 1.0 * list) / SUM(list)),
  list = SUM(list), 
FROM dbo.Scores
GROUP BY Name, Id, lastName;


Name Position Id Score1 Score2 list lastName
ABC POS1, POS2, POS3, POS4 12345 17.50 25.00 16 YUI
XYZ POS1, POS2, POS3, POS4 67890 17.73 15.45 11 OPR

On older versions, same results, just uglier and less efficient:

  Position = STUFF((SELECT ', '   Position
    FROM dbo.Scores
    WHERE Id = s.Id
    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value(N'./text()[1]',
  Score1 = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), SUM(Score1 * 1.0 * list) / SUM(list)), 
  Score2 = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), SUM(Score2 * 1.0 * list) / SUM(list)),
  list = SUM(list), 
FROM dbo.Scores AS s
GROUP BY Name, Id, lastName;

CodePudding user response:

you could use a join with a sub query for sum list

select a.name, STRING_AGG(a.Position, ','), a.id,   sum(a.score1*a.list)/t.tot_x_list, sum(a.score2*(a.list/t.tot_x_list))
from my_table a
inner join (
    select id, sum(list) tot_x_list 
    from my_table 
    group by id
) t on t.id = a.id 
group by a.id
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