I want to parse the JSON on the bottom. Till now I always have the static key for the variables, but in this example, the keys are always changing. Here the "58e4d88ba9029" could have any name. Since "58e4d88ba9029" is a list, how can I parse it?
"title": "weapon",
"key": "gun",
"icon": "ricon-AK47",
"objects": [
"id": "5a0ab761719a9fee422f3db1",
"category": "gun",
"name": "AK47",
"dimension": "3d",
"sets": {
"58e4d88ba9029": {
"sid": "58e4d88ba9639",
"set_id": "592e8adfhdf19a9fab407a0892"
"58e4d88ba1010": {
"sid": "58e4d8ahs029",
"set_id": "592e8ada719a9fab407asf"
"58e4d88ba5689": {
"sid": "58e4d88mm9029",
"set_id": "592e8ada719a9fab407a0333"
public class JsonParser
public string key;
public List<Objects> objects;
public class Objects
public string name;
public List<Sets> sets;
public string id;
public class Sets
I have tried, but still not getting the result:
var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(json);
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (JProperty item in deserialized["sets"])
dictionary.Add(item.Name, item.Value.ToString());
CodePudding user response:
I hope my solution below help you
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
string json = @"{
'title': 'weapon',
'key': 'gun',
'icon': 'ricon-AK47',
'objects': [
'id': '5a0ab761719a9fee422f3db1',
'category': 'gun',
'name': 'AK47',
'dimension': '3d',
'sets': {
'58e4d88ba9029': {
'sid': '58e4d88ba9639',
'set_id': '592e8adfhdf19a9fab407a0892'
'58e4d88ba1010': {
'sid': '58e4d8ahs029',
'set_id': '592e8ada719a9fab407asf'
'58e4d88ba5689': {
'sid': '58e4d88mm9029',
'set_id': '592e8ada719a9fab407a0333'
JObject keyValuePairs = JObject.Parse(json);
var teste = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(json);
if (teste != null && teste.ContainsKey("objects"))
var objects = keyValuePairs.SelectToken("objects[0]").Children<JProperty>();
var setsProperty = objects.Where(p=>p.Name == "sets").ToList();
var setsProperties = setsProperty.Children<JProperty>().ToList();
List<Sets> setsList = new List<Sets>();
foreach (var setObject in setsProperties)
JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(setObject.ToString());
foreach (var setChild in jObject.Values())
Sets sets = new Sets
sid = setChild.Value<string>("sid"),
set_id = setChild.Value<string>("set_id")
public class Objects
public string name;
public List<Sets> sets;
public string id;
public class Sets
public string sid { get; set; }
public string set_id { get; set; }