need an array where Q() object are added filter with many value
Anime.objects.filter(Q(question__startswith='Who') & Q(question__startswith='What'))
but need something like this
val_arr = []
CodePudding user response:
You can do it with dictionary like this:
filters = Q()
val_arr = dict()
val_arr.update({"question__startswith": 'Who'))
val_arr.update({"question__startswith": 'What'))
for item in val_arr:
filters |= Q(**{item:val_arr[item]})
CodePudding user response:
Instead of &
(AND) operation, using |
(OR) will solve your issue
So change
Q(question__startswith='Who') & Q(question__startswith='What')
Q(question__startswith='Who') | Q(question__startswith='What')
CodePudding user response:
Investigate the well-known django-filters package. It may already do everything you want, allowing a user to construct his own complex queries in a view.
What you ask can be coded using the |
or operator
q = val_arr[0]
for val in val_arr[1:] :
q = q | val
Anime.objects.filter( q)
You need to |
your Q objects together. The same question cannot start both with 'Who' and with 'What'. qs.filter(field1=val1, field2=val2)
is and-logic and you can also this by Q(field1=val1)&Q(field2=val2)