I have a for loop in which I only want to vary one parameter p
while keeping the other q
constant. p
and q
are "auto regression" and "moving average" orders in gls()
. How to achieve that? Here is my code (not working):
cor.results <- NULL
for(p in 0:3) {
cor.temp <- gls(di.posaf~di.index factor(subject):day factor(subject), data=PMBCall2, method='ML', correlation=corARMA(p=p, q=0, form = ~ day | subject)) #I want to vary p only and keep q constant
cor.results <- rbind(cor.results, c(p, q, logLik(cor.temp), AIC(cor.temp)))
CodePudding user response:
It turns out that corARMA()
does not accept p
=0 & q
=0 at the same time and so I increased the starting value of p
to 1
cor.results <- NULL
for(p in 1:3) {
cor.temp <- gls(di.posaf~di.index factor(subject):day factor(subject), data=PMBCall2, method='ML', correlation=corARMA(p=p, q=0, form = ~ day | subject)) #p should start from 1
cor.results <- rbind(cor.results, c(p, q, logLik(cor.temp), AIC(cor.temp)))