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Jest/Typescript: Mock class dependencies containing private members in jest and typescript


Context : I have class B which is dependent on class A. I want to test a method of class B which is internally calling a method of class A. Now, I want to unit test my method of class B by mocking class A.

Note 1: Class A has some private members

Note 2: Class A has no interface

Here's my code structure:

class Base {

  someMethod() {
     return "Hello ";


class A {

  private _baseClassImpl: Base;

  constructor(baseClassImpl: Base) {
     this._baseClassImpl = baseClassImpl;

  getSomething() {     
     return this._baseClassImpl.someMethod()   " Something";

class B {
  constructor(objectOfClassA: A) {
      this._objectOfClassA = objectOfClassA;


 functionOfClassBToTest() {
     const returnValueFromClassA = this._objectOfClassA.getSomething();

     return returnValueFromClassA;

What I have tried so far :

After taking suggestions from my previous SO post I tried to write the tests like this:

const getSomethingMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
    return "Mock value";

const mockA = jest.Mocked<A> = {
   getSomething: getSomethingMock

test("test functionOfClassBToTest", () => {
   const classBToTest = new B(mockA);
   expect(classBToTest.functionofClassBToTest.toStrictEqual("Hello Something");


The above code gives me this error:

Type '{ getSomething: jest.Mock<any, any>; }' is not assignable is not assignable to type 'Mocked<A>'. 
Type '{ getSomething: jest.Mock<any, any>; }' is missing the following properties from type 'A': _baseClassImpl

And When I try to provide the mock value for _baseClassImpl like this:

const baseClassMock = jest.Mocked<Base> = {
  someMethod: jest.fn()

const getSomethingMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
    return "Mock value";

const mockA = jest.Mocked<A> = {
   getSomething: getSomethingMock,
   _baseClassImpl: baseClassMock

Typescript gives me this error:

Type '{ getSomething: jest.Mock<any, any>; _baseClassImpl: jest.Mocked<Base>; }' is not assignable is not assignable to type 'Mocked<A>'. 

Type '{ getSomething: jest.Mock<any, any>; _baseClassImpl: jest.Mocked<Base>; }' is not assignable is not assignable to type 'A'. 

Property '_baseClassImpl' is private in type 'A' but not in type '{ getSomething: jest.Mock<any, any>; _baseClassImpl: jest.Mocked<Base>; }'

I have tried the answer on my previous SO post but it didn't work incase of class with private members.

Some notes:

Note 1: Class A contains private member

Note 2: Class A has no interface

Note 3: I don't want to initialize an object of class A inside my test function. I only want to mock the class.

CodePudding user response:

With some hit & try and help of this github repo, I was able to resolve the issue.

Here's the code for reference:

Test for functionOfClassBToTest :

//Note: this can be also written as : const mockA = new (<any>A)() as jest.Mocked<A>;
const mockA = new (<new () => A>A)() as jest.Mocked<A>;

mockA.getSomething = jest.fn();

test("test functionOfClassBToTest", () => {
   mockA.getSomething.mockReturnValueOnce("Hello Something");

   const classBToTest = new B(mockA);
   expect(classBToTest.functionofClassBToTest.toStrictEqual("Hello Something");


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